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Investment Q&A

Not investment advice or solicitation to buy/sell securities. Do your own due diligence and/or consult an advisor.

Q: Hi 5i: Just a suggestion in relation to Elaine’s question about dealing with large embedded capital gains in a taxable account. If you are someone who makes charitable donations anyway, consider giving some of your highest percentage capital gains away by donating the shares instead of cash. For your own tax deduction purposes you get a tax receipt for the full value of the donated shares (capital gain included) but you don’t have to pay the tax on the gain to do it. An organization called CanadaHelps is worth checking out online as a facilitator. Before the New Year I was able to transfer a bunch of my PUR shares to them (after the takeout bid!), specify that I wanted the donation split in 12 different directions, and select the 12 different charities to receive individual donations equivalent to specific numbers of the shares. It was relatively easy for me given all the administrative work they looked after. And I got a bigger tax receipt than I would have if I had sold the shares, paid the tax, and donated the leftovers.
Read Answer Asked by Lance on February 21, 2018
Q: Hi, RHT and VB were added to 5i Balanced and Growth portfolios, respectively, last week. Does it mean that the risk/growth profile of Versa Bank ( Growth) is higher when compared to Relique Health ( Balanced ) ? Any rationale, why this and not vice-versa.
Also, I could not find much information about Versa Bank in Q&A section. Could you please provide some more details/comments about this co. Thanks
Read Answer Asked by rajeev on February 21, 2018
Q: Hi, Now that RHT has been added to 5i portfolio, could you please provide an initial very brief summary on the company, including a possible 5i rating and growth expectations, specially there being no analyst coverage. Comments about the management will also be helpful. Share count seems to be large. What is the insiders and major institution holdings (separately) ? Considering that Patient Health Monitoring was touted by several high profile portfolio managers for a long time but at last, proved to be a huge disappointment to a large number of retail investors (including many of them being 5i subscribers), any relevant details will be most comforting. Thank You

PS: I know, you mentioned that there is no rush to buy/sell a stock based upon 5i portfolio changes. But, I did take a small position on Friday, but would love to have more insight/comfort before adding more. Tks
Read Answer Asked by rajeev on February 21, 2018
Q: Since you added RHT to the balanced portfolio this stock is up 30% and up 1852% for the year. At the same time PHM which as I understand is in the same business of patient home monitoring is down 19% for the year but down almost 90% in past 3 years. Please help me understand the different home monitoring care offered by these companies and can you please shed some light as to why the gross difference in performance.

Thank you for your service,

Read Answer Asked by Steve on February 21, 2018
Q: Peter and Team:
Thanks for bringing this company on to my radar.
I have watch and listened to their CEO Lisa Crossley and was very impressed.

I was involved in the whole Patient Home Monitoring fiasco and therefore am somewhat wary of this company.

How would you compare the two?
Do you know how many patients they are currently servicing?
What do their basic financials look like last quarter?


Read Answer Asked by Phil on February 21, 2018
Q: I am considering selling my 4-5% position in gud and buying a 2-@1/2% position in each of cov and rht. I am not concerned with the fact that these 2 are small caps and gud is "much larger". I also have full positions in sis. exe and most recently pfe on the recent sell off. do you consider this to be a worthwhile move? I believe gud has had more than enough time, and opportunity imho ( there have been a few large distressed drug companies with assets for sale while gud has been twiddling their thumbs counting their cash) plus I do not want to be in the unenviable position of holding gud if or when you decide to replace it in your portfolios. I do have a lot of patience but the way I see gud they seem to waiting for a ridiculously cheap opportunity that may never happen.

on a side note, when searching for a 2 letter security on your search window many times I've had to scroll waaaaaaaaaaay down the list to find the company, there are 3 letter symbols no where close to the 2 letters put into search that come up before the desired company is listed, is this some kind of glitch that can be fixed?

thanks in advance
ps also thanks for creating the opportunity (obviously not on purpose) to buy syz at a discount on friday, lol.

Read Answer Asked by Tom on February 21, 2018
Q: I am thinking of buying the Swiss industrial company ABB inside my RRIF. It trades as an ADR in New York. I already own UTX and consider HON to be overvalued. I am currently underweight industrials. If you don’t like ABB, what would be your favourite large cap industrial? Doe you know what the tax implications would be for holding ABB in my RRIF - would there be withholding taxes because it is a Swiss company? I seem to recall reading somewhere that Swiss withholding taxes are 30%. Thanks for any info. you can give me.
Read Answer Asked by David on February 20, 2018
Q: Hi,
I am wondering what would be a good template to go by in terms of how much of an overall portfolio should be Canadian ,how much in US,international and emerging markets.
For example would you Suggest 60 % be in Canadian equity or bonds, 20 % US, 10% international and 10 % emerging markets .
I look forward to reading your suggestion on this.
Thanks so much,
Read Answer Asked by Susan on February 20, 2018
Q: I'm looking for recommendations on how best to invest USD 175k sitting in cash since last week. Though tempted by the US buying opportunities, I've been avoiding buying US shares directly due the hassles and costs of US tax exposure. I've only bought 50 shares of ZSP.U so far. Is this a good place to invest more? Can you recommend other good investment vehicles for a non-registered portfolio that will capture US growth/income without currency exchange or US tax?
Read Answer Asked by Randolph on February 20, 2018