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Investment Q&A

Not investment advice or solicitation to buy/sell securities. Do your own due diligence and/or consult an advisor.

Q: Since it's recent run WSP has become about 3.2% of my portfolio I am thinking of moving some funds to PBH which is 2%. Looking at your company data the earnings growth projected for PBH is 35% whereas WSP is 6.6%. Based on the analyst median prices for each the return from todays price would be WSP -4.93%
and PBH 16.9%. It would appear that PBH has better potential over the coming year however WSP's price performance has been much stronger over the short term (certainly not over a 3yr period).

Would you make the switch? If so which factor would carry more weight: balancing the portfolio, projected return, or price momentum?

Many thanks.

Read Answer Asked by michael on June 25, 2018
Q: can you tell me your top suggestions currently in Canada and the US within the consumer discretionary space?
Read Answer Asked by Patricia on June 25, 2018
Q: Have NFI, DOL, and CIX.

Not too impressed with DOL, looking to sell.

Want to add a good growth stock. Loblaws and BCE look appealing. BCE appears on multiple picklists, and seems sector-leading . And Loblaws shows strong fundamentals and consistently growing profits.

Your views on these or other better options please.
Read Answer Asked by Jim on June 25, 2018
Q: Hi Peter,

The following were initial 4% positions which have gone down quite a bit and wanted to know if I should sell, hold or add:

In my TFSA, GUD (down 19.9%) and PTE (down 47.3%); in my margin account, TV (down 30.4%) and in my RRSP, ECN (down 6.4%).

If I sell then my options to replace would be RHT, GC, TSGI, PBH or GSY. I would appreciate your opinion. I am looking for high growth; risk and sector aren't an issue.

Please deduct as many credits as appropriate. Thanks as always.
Read Answer Asked by K on June 25, 2018
Q: Hi

Would it be possible to tweak the question section so that when we click "answer" it doesn't auto scroll right to that point? It's very jarring and also somewhat unhelpful because it's nice to be able to reference the question without having to scroll back up to it. Especially when it's about multiple companies. Maybe something to consider? Thanks!
Read Answer Asked by David on June 22, 2018
Q: Good morning everyone. I am interested in buying a few different energy stocks. I’m in my early senior years - but do not mind some risk.
Have room in my TFSA and RSP accounts.
Enjoy your diligent reporting and investigation
Thank you
Read Answer Asked by Marla on June 22, 2018
Q: say what you want about eric nuttall but he is by far the best oil analyst out there and as he explains it;
100 million barrels of world wide oil use a day, increasing by 1.5 million barrels each year, no new projects coming on stream for 4-5 years and world spare capacity at 1.5 million barrels, opec can increase all they want but that just reduces spare capacity, the least little interruption— hurricaine , pipeline, refinery, war etcetc, THE PRICE OF OIL HAS TO GO HIGHER AND 100. dollars is not out of the question. please comment. dave
Read Answer Asked by david on June 22, 2018
Q: Hi, Now that the pricing of the secondary has been announced at US$38 along with increase in the size of offering, with closing expected on or around June 25, 2018, do you expect any major market reaction to the stock price, after it smartly bounced back over $4 from the last week's low. I have already built in 2.5% position, in past few days and wondering if it's prudent to wait for stock to settle. Thanks
Read Answer Asked by rajeev on June 22, 2018
Q: I have owned NSC and CSX for many years and have done quite well. I am thinking about trimming some profit and diverting into Amazon. I want to own Amazon but wonder if I am getting into it too late and where the valuation is excessively high. How might you approach this scenario? Would you consider selling profit off of CSX and NSC and buying amazon or stay put? I am a long term investor.

Thank you
Read Answer Asked by Darrin on June 22, 2018
Q: Could I get your opinion on these two industrial REITs, both down somewhat due to new secondary offerings (general comments on the sector, payout percentage, debt level, etc.). Do you prefer one over the other? What would view as the maximum percent-of-portfolio for each?
Read Answer Asked by grant on June 22, 2018