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Investment Q&A

Not investment advice or solicitation to buy/sell securities. Do your own due diligence and/or consult an advisor.

Q: Good Afternoon,
I don't follow the US market that closely, I'm looking for a handful of safer blue chip dividend payers ? Such as AT&T , perhaps you can list a few other names in various sectors you feel are well managed companies with good yield.
Read Answer Asked by Chris on July 30, 2018
Q: FYI ...
I see questions posted about where to park money for short term periods and get a decent rate of interest. GIC's are mentioned but they have minimal rates and fixed terms. Virtual banks like EQ Bank currently offer daily interest at 2.3% with no minimum timeframe and are covered by CDIC (up to $100,000). They also offer GIC's.
Read Answer Asked on July 30, 2018
Q: I have been a die-hard on IBM, holding through the long decline, thinking that the promised turn-around would come. Meanwhile other companies seem to have superseded them in cloud computing. I thought that I could not go too far wrong, since ibm had such a good dividend.. But, I have noticed that the dividend payout has become quite high (0.98) i think. And some have raised the question of the sustainability of the dividend. Especially since their buybacks seem to have occured when the stock price was high and not recently when low. I am thinking finally, because of this, of throwing in the towel on ibm and buy something like Nvidia in it's place. I was wondering whether you thought there was any hope for IBM and also your opinion on the sustainability of the dividend. Thanks as always for the exceptional service.
Read Answer Asked by joseph on July 30, 2018
Q: Got a bit of cash to add a new position to my RRSP. Which one of these names do you think has the most growth potential over the next few years? Feel free to suggest other names as well (prefer Canadian) - I currently own TSGI, KXS, and MAXR in this account. Thx.
Read Answer Asked by David on July 30, 2018
Q: Hello, i would like to ask your opinion & thoughts or guidance on War Eagle Mining Company. listed on the TSX-V under symbol WAR-X. thank you.
Read Answer Asked by Brian on July 30, 2018
Q: I have to sell one of the following stocks in the immediate future...CCL.B, NFI, SIS, CLS, PHO. Based on their growth potential (1 to 2 years) which stock would you suggest selling.
Read Answer Asked by Thomas on July 30, 2018
Q: DOL seems to be going out of favor with investors as the stock is drifting downward. With the current thesis by many that we are heading towards recession, does it make sense that consumers will "shop" more at a Dollarama when that happens? Would you continue to hold on, add on further weakness or move on to something else? It is currently a 2% (Half) position.
Read Answer Asked by Rudy on July 30, 2018
Q: Further to your answer on the packaging companies, i have owned all three and done well across the board. I was planning on consolidating my stocks and reducing by one. Several months ago you recommended to drop WPK of the 3. You have rated them slightly differently on this latest question . Can you tell me why - is this a valuation, size or other call? As you can see, i have been dragging my feet on reducing only because i am trying not to sell my winners. I do like CCL.b the best as i can hold it on the us side of my portfolio and collect the dividend in US$.
Thanks as always
Read Answer Asked by kelly on July 30, 2018
Q: Due to higher minimum wages, lower Canadian Dollar, fear of trade wars, ,Dollarama has been under pressure. As a result they need to increase prices to restore their profit margins
Do you think markets will react favorably if Dollarama increases their Ceiling price from $4.00 to $5.00 ?
Read Answer Asked by Terry on July 30, 2018