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Investment Q&A

Not investment advice or solicitation to buy/sell securities. Do your own due diligence and/or consult an advisor.

Q: I am retired living off dividend income. I am tempted to add 1/4 position to an already full position of BCE as the price is now looking very attractive at 53.2/share yielding 5.7%.
53 has been the support base since April 2016 and 60 has been the resistance.
Has anything fundamentally changed with BCE to explain the drop in price? Or is it simply because interest rates are rising so the market is rotating from higher yielding stocks?
Would you add at the current price, or wait until BCE forms a base as it is still in a downtrend looking at the 8, 20, 50 day moving averages?
Read Answer Asked by Curtis on May 10, 2018
Q: I understand that many former technology companies such as Google are being re-classified as Communications Sector. These companies are widely held in many ETF's and Index funds. This ultimately changes the ETF and Index components and may generate unplanned capital gains or losses.
Is this correct and in your opinion does it happen often?
Read Answer Asked by Ian on May 10, 2018
Q: Mr. Hodson, at the time of your last report on GUD, on March 31, 2017, GUD was at $10.39, and at A-. How long before it gets over its last price of $10.39 ? I appreciate GUD may go up and down in the next while, but when do you think it will start its ascension for good and become a real champion stock ? Might its ascension then become even more impressive than that of CSU ?
Read Answer Asked by Serge on May 10, 2018
Q: My IT stocks have grown to 24% and I want to scale back to 20%. Currently SHOP 7%; ZQQ 7%; KXS 4%; OTEX 4%; PHO 2%. I am thinking of reducing SHOP to 5%; selling ZQQ and OTEX and buying AMZN 4.5% and SQ 4.5%. Your comments greatly appreciated. I know the valuation of OTEX is much lower than either AMZN or SQ but the growth in these two stocks are much higher.
Read Answer Asked by stephen on May 10, 2018
Q: HI Peter, Would you recommend adding to RHS as its price is lower now. Or you would prefer 4-5 companies solid blue chip dividend paying companies to buy and hold ( avoid MER and capture more dividend). In that case also, can you please rank them in order of your preference. UL, PEP, HRL, K, or any other of your favorites.
Much Thanks.
Read Answer Asked by RUPINDER on May 10, 2018