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Investment Q&A

Not investment advice or solicitation to buy/sell securities. Do your own due diligence and/or consult an advisor.

Q: Our son is 14 and his RESP is about $80K. It owns Amazon, Facebook, Nvidia, Alphabet (equally) and Knight (24%), reflecting his lifestyle and my faith in GUD. Can you temporarily overlook weighting, etc. and suggest one more US stock with some potential torque for a 5 year hold? Risk is not a factor. If this account craters, he will still get any education he aspires to before he heads out on his own...
Thank you.
Read Answer Asked by Steven on May 09, 2018
Q: I am retired and have held MRT.UN in a RIF for a number of years, but it has dropped 20% in value in that time and although I appreciate the 7%+ yield, it is just languishing there with what seems very little prospect of growth. It does seem to have stopped dropping in value though.

On the other hand, DIR.UN has been on a bit of a tear in the last 3 months and also offers a high dividend. I am considering switching to DIR.UN, but wonder if this rally is played out and if it's likely to maintain its value or slump under profit taking. I'm a bit wary of switching from a loss position in one stock to buying high and losing more on the next one.

Do you have any thoughts on making this switch?
Read Answer Asked by John on May 09, 2018
Q: I have been a member long enough to recognize that "ok" is a downgrade from "fine" when you comment on stocks.
That is what has transpired between Aprill 11 and 25 in responses regarding Micron.
Would you recommend Micron for a 4-5 year hold with the hope that it is closer to the two separate $100 targets rather than the recent $35 target due to pricing concerns.
Thank you.
Read Answer Asked by Steven on May 09, 2018
Q: What is your opinion of the Wisdom Tree International Quality Dividend Growth Variably Hedged Index ETF, DQI, and the Wisdom Tree Global Equity ETF, ONEQ, as international/global investment ETFs.
Read Answer Asked by Gerard on May 09, 2018
Q: Going forward what would be your top 4 sectors and a large cap and a small/mid cap name in each of the 4 sectors. If REITS are not one of your top 4 what two name do you like in REITS.
Read Answer Asked by George on May 09, 2018
Q: In our RRSP we hold the above etfs for US exposure. Does 5i see any sector not covered with these ETFs?
Or would you recommend selling any of these ETFs due to too much overlap? We are approaching retirement, but I don’t think that would be a factor in this question. Thank you
Read Answer Asked by Kim on May 09, 2018