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Investment Q&A

Not investment advice or solicitation to buy/sell securities. Do your own due diligence and/or consult an advisor.

Q: Can you provide me an updated view on IVQ.U? I see it is trading below book value. I presume that if it was doing well it would be slightly above book? How do you feel about their debt and what effect a rising rate environment would play in their being able to meet their debt obligations without issuing stock or othrrwise raising capital? Thank you.
Read Answer Asked by Alex on August 02, 2018
Q: Hi 5i - my kids will start University in 6 and 8 years. In general, when do you start building cash and getting more conservative in anticipation of withdrawing funds? Thanks, Neil
Read Answer Asked by Neil on August 02, 2018
Q: Hi. I am new to your group and have a question about currency, in particular about $US to $CDN. I currently have $59000 US that I set aside to buy land in Costa Rica. I changed the money over from CDN to US last year at a rate of 0.7957. I have changed my plans and won't be buying land there, so I want to change most of the money back in to Canadian funds so I can invest in long term stocks. Is it a good idea to keep some of the money in US funds so I can invest in American companies as well as Canadian companies? Also, what do you think the Canadian dollar will do in the next 3 months in relation to the Us dollar?

Read Answer Asked by Robert on August 02, 2018
Q: Hello 5i,
We too have ECI stock. Thank you. Tendering is new to me. After a Google search we have enough information to be dangerous. Our portfolio is with RB. We only see an option to sell. Can you help by explaining how we tender our stocks? Is it easier just to sell? With FTS and AQN at 5% weighting we are not sure converting to 100% BIP shares is the best plan for our portfolios. Any help is appreciated.
Thank you
Debbie and Jerry
Read Answer Asked by Jerry on August 02, 2018
Q: Hello, like many other investors I have an happy problem today, thank you. I have read all the questions on ECI today. Let's say I have 1000 ECI shares and I choose to tender my shares, does this mean that 750 ECI shares (75%) will be sold for a cash deposit in my account and that 250 ECI shares (25%) will be rollover in BIP shares at takeover date? The ECI price on TMX Money is $28.88 right now, do you think this price can fluctuate significantly in the meantime of deal completion? Thanks, Gervais
Read Answer Asked by Gervais on August 02, 2018
Q: I have the above securities as well as RBC Cdn Equity Inc-D shares, Sentry Cdn Income, Sentry Global REIT. I am a retired conservative dividend income investor with a company pension, CPP, annuities and Fisgard Capital for fixed income.

I currently own ECI and will sell and look for a Consumer stock to replace it (not interested in BIP...I have a full slate of Utilities). I filtered several candidates using fundamental metrics (P/E, beta, P/BV, P/CF, P/S) and technical metrics (200 dma, etc), as well as yield and price targets (for what they are worth).

I will keep my CGX and PBH. I'm looking for a long term hold (conservative, liquid stock with a good and growing dividend). My short list of candidates include CLIQ, CTC.a, PLC, TCL.A. I already flushed ADW.A, KBL, RSI and since I already have 1 food stock, I flushed L and NWC.

Please provide your insights into the appropriateness of these Consumer stocks (CLIQ, CTC.A, PLC, TCL.A) for my portfolio, given my circumstances and existing stock positions.

Are there other securities I should consider, even those that I have flushed?

Thanks for your help...Steve

Read Answer Asked by Stephen on August 02, 2018