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Investment Q&A

Not investment advice or solicitation to buy/sell securities. Do your own due diligence and/or consult an advisor.

Q: As all eyes and ears are patiently waiting for the Canadian LNG FID announcement, how would you rate for a 3-5 years investment the following O&G and Infrastructure players in this strategic LNG play;
A) Rate from best to worst small & medium sized gas and liquids players namely AAV, ARX, BIR, CR, KEL, PONY and TOU or other O&G company you would suggest

B) Critical pipeline and midstream player benefiting from this huge NG and condensate liquids volume surge TRP, ENB, PPL KEY or others you would suggest

Jean Yves
Read Answer Asked by Jean-Yves on August 08, 2018
Q: Hi,
Im young (33) with good income and savings for investment for the long term. Im thinking of putting my portfolio 50% into etfs for long growth and 50% into equities for faster growth. I like the etfs since it has been shown time and time again that it is rare to beat the market long term with just selecting individual companies. With the 50% in individual equities, I would rebalance probably once per year (unless large bumps in price happen) to take profits and move them to the etfs to maintain the 50% split for a while and protect against losses. Do you think this is good approach? What basket of etfs would you recommend for this approach? Or would you look at something all in one like VGRO? If a basket of etfs is recommended would you prefer hedged or unhedged? I have read/heard a lot about a coming recession and potential dive in the US dollar (from people like Peter Schiff), so Im not really sure how to protect against that (other than growing my cash reserves also to be ready to purchase on a large drop). Or would you use a combination of ETFS and gold somehow? Thanks for putting up with my rambling here, please deduct what you need to for credits.

Read Answer Asked by david on August 08, 2018
Q: Hello Peter & Ryan,
Thank you for our great return on ECI, I bought it a week or so before Brookfield buy-out.
Your opinion on re-arrange my TFSA currently holdings 4 stocks DRG.UN, MFC, RY & HLF . We did well with the first three and loss 40% HLF (small position of 300 shares). We have 4 years hold in mind
1) Replace DRG.UN with CHP.UN
2) Double down on HLF small position loss about 40% or replace with RSI or ATD.B
3) Replace MFC with a combo ALA & ENB or FTS & AQN
4) Replace RY with CIX & BNS

And add small position in TSGI or GUD

Thank you and keep the good work!
Read Answer Asked by Nhung on August 08, 2018
Q: In reviewing ZWC distribution tax information for 2017, $.664 of the $1.12 distribution was deemed ROC with the remainder being eligible dividend. How is this possible? The ETF holds dividend paying companies. There is no operating business carried out that would have non cash items like depreciation that would constitute ROC. Gains realized on call writing would be capital gains. Where is this ROC coming from and is it cause for concern?
Read Answer Asked by Chad on August 08, 2018
Q: Recently, 5i has supported members' suggestions to switch out of JNJ into something else given the legal difficulties that JNJ faces. I generally like to hold indefinitely; given this anticipated time frame, and my preference for safety and a good/growing dividend, do you think I should switch as well? Do you view the alternatives I've listed as less or more risky than JNJ overall? Are there non-pharmaceutical alternatives in the US healthcare space that would provide an equally secure and growing dividend that you would recommend? Thank you.
Read Answer Asked by Walter on August 08, 2018
Q: Hi,
Thanks for the past tips to get into Savaria, I’m up 70% on it right now. They seem to have a hard time breaking through $17. Do they have anything solid in the works that you think will push it higher with support or do you think the best part of this ride is over? I haven’t held it long and don’t need the cash for anything, but would like to see continued solid returns. I know the returns here aren’t typical, but do you see somewhere else to better send the money or is it a hold for a while still?

Read Answer Asked by david on August 08, 2018