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Investment Q&A

Not investment advice or solicitation to buy/sell securities. Do your own due diligence and/or consult an advisor.

Q: Hi all at 5i, I have about 45k invested with only 5k in cash. I own all of the above names and was wondering if you were to free up some cash which of these stocks would you trim. If you think 5k in cash is enough, do you think any of these names would be good to trade for another name? Do you have any concerns over any of these names at this moment in time.

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Read Answer Asked by Daniel on August 09, 2018
Q: hi
Purely on a stock by stock basis, based on the short term possible performance of the stock, if you had to sell some of these stocks, which would (first 5) you sell and in what order? ( I like all of them but I want to reduce my leverage ) Do not consider them as a portfolio as I have other stocks in registered accounts. Reducing across all of them would not be efficient for the size of my account.
thank you
Read Answer Asked by Francois on August 09, 2018
Q: My father will visit Canada next year to attend my graduation. He just wired me 30K to invest and said this will be his travel expense next year, so he wanted a guaranteed positive return for his money. What are some of the stock/etfs you recommend me to put my money in. I do know we have a income portfolio, so please do not say something like "referring to income portfolio", there are too many names there. Can you just give me some of your favorite names? also, some ETFs are fine too. Thank you in advance. Tony
Read Answer Asked by Tao on August 09, 2018
Q: this covalon thing is a bit distressing all because of a tweet by this freeland character who seems completely out of her element whether its nafta or anything else.the conservatives are looking better everyday but that is not the point.
the point is the saudis have said they will not do any new business with canada and seem to emphasize that existing contracts stand as why the massive sell off in covalon, is it just retail investors panicking— probably mostly 5i members and just after you had it as a top pick on bnn.
the stock market can be a crazy place where a tweet can cause such a sell off in a stock. please comment.dave
Read Answer Asked by david on August 08, 2018