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Investment Q&A

Not investment advice or solicitation to buy/sell securities. Do your own due diligence and/or consult an advisor.

Q: Peter,

I am intrigued by the mutual funds in the EDG series for global exposure. ie EDG 100 etc. I see the MER is 2.13 and minimum investment is$20,000. What is your take on this company as an investment for global equities.

Thank you

Read Answer Asked by paul on October 29, 2018
Q: Any preference from a value perspective on any of the Brookfield family of companies? Any you think have a more favorable outlook and price?
Read Answer Asked by John on October 29, 2018
Q: Hello,
The equity portion of our portfolio is 25% S&P ETF and 75% blue-chip Cdn dividend-paying stocks. We've used DRIP for a number of years, our reasoning being no fees to convert dividends into shares and to stay invested. Do you concur? My concern is both the book and market values include those shares purchased through it's not possible to distinguish between dividends and share prices. That would be very helpful to know. With such clarity, I'm supposing we would have ignored the advice to hold on in a couple of our holdings, eg CIX who's share price (exc dividends) relative to what we paid several years ago must be dismal. Your thoughts on that? Maybe you know how we can get such clarity, ie without stopping DRIP? Thanks.
Read Answer Asked by Bill on October 29, 2018
Q: As a result of the recent decline in the North American equity markets I would appreciate you advise the current % weighting of the various sectors of the TSE, S &P 500 and Your recommended % weighting of those sectors.
In regards to your recommended weighting of the energy sector what portion would you suggest should be in the energy producers and what portion in the energy infrastructure companies i.e Enb, Key, PPL
Thank you
Read Answer Asked by Terry on October 29, 2018
Q: I am looking for the proper vehicle for the bond portion of my portfolio.
Would like to have 3% yield in short term ETF. Does rising rates mean existing bonds in an ETF will decline(and hence a lower ETF price)?
Can you suggest any appropriate bond ETF’s?
Read Answer Asked by Derek on October 29, 2018
Q: PAT announced today a firm offering by CGC & others to purchase a large block of common shares along with warrants, etc. I currently own 20,000 shares of PAT which of course dropped nearly 14% this morning. However, I am still positive as I purchased at a much lower price. Would appreciate your expertise as to what position and or options I may have with respect to this transaction & in particular the Warrants. Thank you.
Read Answer Asked by Robert on October 29, 2018
Q: What is your pick presently for the best managed company for the best price? Or put another way...Is there a well managed company on sale right now? I do not care if you base your choice on future growth or present valuation or something else but I would not mind a brief reason for the choice. I would like to add to my TFSA holding with new money but I would like to hold this pick for a while. Thank you for all your help. J
Read Answer Asked by Jeremy on October 29, 2018
Q: As a big time fan of the site (just renewed my subscription) I have a convoluted question to ask.

Based on the advice that is promulgated from 5i, I have purchased the stocks from the balanced portfolio, amongst a few others from the growth folio. With regard to the stocks that I have listed, I took 5i’s advice and purchased piecemeal and as a result my average cost is lower than 5i initial purchase price. No complaint there. The question however that becomes inevitable, is, should there be a recommendation to sell, such as say, CLS, based on a $19 buy in recommendation at 5i as opposed to my 16 Ave cost, wilI the logic still hold? The same applies to the other stocks that I hold.

As a follow up, I note that the monthly portfolio data provides the current price and inception price. Can you explain why you do not adjust the cost price to reflect additional purchases after the initial purchase price, such as wef or wcp?

Thanks in advance, I recommend that anyone who subscribes to the service to renew! It’s a no brainer. And that’s after the October haircut!
Read Answer Asked by Kelly on October 29, 2018