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Investment Q&A

Not investment advice or solicitation to buy/sell securities. Do your own due diligence and/or consult an advisor.

Q: Greetings team 5i,

Beside my core portfolio, I invest about 5% of my money in a “fun” portfolio. It has not been much fun recently. I bought ABBV (at the top) in order to write covered calls and cash-secured uncovered puts.

These calls, written just out-of-the-money and puts written just in-the-money on Mondays with the expiry date on the Friday of the same week, have produced premiums ranging from $US0.81 to $US2.73 which happened this week.

Why is there such a wide range of premium prices and what do the higher premiums suggest?

Thank you.

Read Answer Asked by Milan on October 30, 2018
Q: Regarding each of the above,please advise if you consider each of these dividends is safe and also if the dividend tax credit applies. Thank you.
Read Answer Asked by Brian on October 30, 2018
Q: The stock price of EMA has fallen from $50 to below $40 over the past 12 months. What do you think is the reason for that?
Secondly, as an income investor, the current yield of 5.84% dividend is very enticing. Or, is such a high dividend a red flag in this case? Is it sustainable?
What is your advice on purchasing this stock at the present time?
Read Answer Asked by Ron on October 30, 2018
Q: Hi, The listed companies have been where I have taken a big hit. As a novice investor the lesson I've learned is that it makes sense to average into a position, especially in an uncertain market. Losses in these stocks have taken over 5% of my portfolio. Can you comment please that all of these companies show promise for the long term, and there is good reason to say they will bounce back when the markets do recover? I know that MFC has a litigation issue, and TCL.A has an acquisition that is somewhat off the rails. I don't need this money for at least 15 years, but also want to feel sure I'm setting up my RSP for an increase within a few years. Thanks.
Read Answer Asked by Dan on October 30, 2018
Q: Hello 5i,
I am up $3000 to $4000 on JPM, MMM, PEP and others. I am down $3000 on KWH, RME, TCL.A. and others. I do not need money and can stay invested in all. I am retired, 72, with good pensions. I am inclined to just stay put and collect dividends. Should I sell and apply the losses to the gains or just stay put as I am inclined to do?
Read Answer Asked by STANLEY on October 30, 2018
Q: I have been investing in the market for 45 years now, many wonderful gains and some 100% loses, example Worldcom(fraud), ask Bernie to confirm. From all my major loses i try to learn something that will help me in the future. I was surprised that you bought into the stock when it was already up a lot and was really pumped by a couple of guests on BNN. My concern with this company was that it was doing nothing new and was competing with major health companies in the US that had market caps in the billions. If this was not some new major new mousetrap, the headwinds for this tiny company were just too risky. Did 5i get caught up in this hype on BNN and the canadian market rise so fast, and in the end, what did 5i learn from this type of investing in the future?
Read Answer Asked by eugene on October 30, 2018
Q: With the tide running out and lowering almost all "boats", the yields on the examples listed above are becoming compelling for a retired, income oriented investor.

Part of the thought process here is that inflation at least at this point appears to be muted. The yields on the above range from 4.2% to 6.8%. I see these as income producers with a good risk return profile given the size of the share price drops.

1. Do you agree with my reasoning?
2. Would these types of ETF's make sense?

Thanks for your help here.
Read Answer Asked by Donald on October 30, 2018