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Investment Q&A

Not investment advice or solicitation to buy/sell securities. Do your own due diligence and/or consult an advisor.

Q: UFS seems to be setting new highs and is now up The stock is up 34% over 1 year and has been setting new highs. The positive momentum continues. Should I be thinking of selling my biggest looser (MAXR) and buying UFS?
I thought MAXR’s latest quarter wasn’t bad however the market thought otherwise and now the shorts are circling even though as you noted MAXR is not a great short. I am a buy and hold investor and I am trying to figure if I am in love with MAXR. How can you tell if you are in love with a stock?
Is it correct to assume if I sell MAXR and buy UFS I will be derisking the portfolio or am I deluding myself? Is UFS an industrial or materials stock?
Read Answer Asked by James on August 17, 2018
Q: I am holding 100 shares of Qcom and have been in the red for years... fortunately it pays a decent dividend... Do you feel that this stock will improve Following the upcoming Dutch Auction ? You have suggested this stock several times to your readers... You recommended holding out for a better price when there was an interested buyer...After several disappointments, do you feel the buyback is a good thing at this point ? ...or it just creating an event to raise its stock price ?
Read Answer Asked by Thomas on August 17, 2018
Q: Hello, 60 year old investor looking to add to rrsp and tfsa. Which stocks in the above list would you be comfortable buying now and which would you rate as watch now and maybe buy later?
Thanks, Michael
Read Answer Asked by Michael on August 17, 2018
Q: Hi, Stars Group share price has declined over 25%, in a short period, since added to Balanced Portfolio and is trading at its low. Now that the quarterly results are also out of the way, what would you summarize as the main reasons for this continued softness and overhang. Could you also please list the catalysts in the near term which could help lift the stock price and possible time timeline for these to materialize. Thank You
Read Answer Asked by rajeev on August 17, 2018
Q: I have a question about 461
I trimmed about 15% of my shares of NVDA today ahead of earnings mainly because I was up over 300% (thanks to 5i) and felt that expectations were so high that even with an earnings beat , shares may see some weakness. Can I please get your comments on their results and your opinion going forward? To me it looks like a solid beat but is it guidance that is resulting in a bit of a sell off after hours?
Thank you
Read Answer Asked by Marty on August 17, 2018
Q: Hello Peter and Ryan - I'm in my retirement years and interested in learning how to use options and how to read charts. Would you or any of your readers have suggestions for good, safe sites - preferably Canadian - but realize there are likely several great US websites.
Thank you for all your guidance.
Read Answer Asked by Marla on August 17, 2018
Q: Is this a suitable stock for 7 to 8 years duration for an RESP? This is a first time question. Love to see you when you are on BNN TV.

Thanks. Vic
Read Answer Asked by Victor on August 17, 2018
Q: What are your thoughts on Absolute Software. I never sold it out of my portfolio and things look better after they reported a few days ago. Do you think someone would be interested in buying them or from your experience is there a chance they may go private. I am reluctant to sell but I worry in a downturn about these small names like Absolute and Sylogist—both taken out of the portfolio but appear to have good momentum.
Read Answer Asked by Helen on August 16, 2018
Q: Hi All at 5i! My niece has accumulated $10,000 and has a 15 to 20 year horizon. Could you please suggest two income and growth and two growth stocks that would make up a good core holding for that time frame ? Cheers, Tamara
Read Answer Asked by Tamara on August 16, 2018