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Investment Q&A

Not investment advice or solicitation to buy/sell securities. Do your own due diligence and/or consult an advisor.

Q: Just a general question about the "market". Do you have an idea about the makeup of the investor population? For example what percentage would be small independent amateur DIY investors like my self? I believe sometimes called retail investors? What percent would be big pension, mutual fund or other advisors or say ETF managers, etc?

I am interested to learn if I am mostly up against professional investors.

And if the market is mostly made up of professional investors I find it even more curious how the market seems to behave. All the ups and downs and seeming panic to euphoria don't seem very professional to me.
Read Answer Asked by David on October 31, 2018
Q: How is the term 'Financial Leverage' calculated? I'm referencing the term as used by Morningstar. I believe that the 5i website uses the term leverage ratio, correct?
Read Answer Asked on October 31, 2018
Q: Have you guys every considered a "like" or "thumbs up" feature for the answers section? I often see answers I really agree with, and would like to acknowledge and display appreciation.
Thanks for all your great work,
Read Answer Asked by Lee on October 31, 2018
Q: Why on earth would preferred shares be tumbling so much over the past couple of days? E.g. see ZPR, CPD, HPR etc. It can't be the threat of lower interest rates? Can it? And if so what does that say about the prospects for the economy and the stock market? Or is this an aberration and an opportunity to buy some preferreds?
Read Answer Asked by John on October 30, 2018
Q: G&M reporting that the Pres and CEO of Alta Gas sold 22,750 shares on Oct 9 @$21.01
This brought his total ownership down to under 3,000 shares. This should not be legal, given the forthcoming results. Can the OSC not do anything about this?
P.S. Not a case of sour grapes here. I was not a player of ALA. I just find the company's behavior, and this insider sell in particular, inexcusable. How can this sort of thing foster public confidence in our market?
Read Answer Asked by john on October 30, 2018
Q: If Apple's earnings are down after reporting on Nov. 1st, will the market follow the fall of FAANG stocks? Would you continue investing in FAANG or start looking at other tech companies? If so, which would you recommend and what would be some good opportunity's if we see a slight crash in market?
Thank you,
Read Answer Asked by Kevin on October 30, 2018
Q: Here's another question on Altagas. On the CC, management indicated that they are going to re-evaluate the proper dividend rate (payout ratio) for the company given the new mix of assets. I'm assuming this is code for "we're cutting the dividend". Your thoughts?

Read Answer Asked by Peter on October 30, 2018
Q: Hi Peter and Ryan,

I got to give million thanks to 5i Research for their analysis on ESIO a few months ago when I bought it at 18, thereafter I watched it went up to 24 and dropped to 15 recently, Your prior analysis indicated that high growth will be expected in 2019 which assured me and made confident to hold this stock, and fortunately I got the reward to day , the stock popped up 90% this morning due to a take over. Without your assurance, I would have sold it at a much lower price or even sold it at a loss during the recent market down turn and sector sell off.

ECI Enercare was another example which I was also rewarded.

I understand that you can not always get it right though I got caught with some other recommendation, but as you said, and I fully agree with you that good stock offset the other loss.

I can not say enough thanks to 5i research for your excellent service and very honest analysis. Keep up the good work!
Read Answer Asked by Pui on October 30, 2018