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Investment Q&A

Not investment advice or solicitation to buy/sell securities. Do your own due diligence and/or consult an advisor.

Q: I purchased ECN.PR.C at $25 because it paid 6.25% and, as a rate reset in a rising interest rate environment, with a guaranteed 6.25% minimum(!), it sounded great.
It has gone down from day one and has little interest. Should I pick up a few more shares at $21 with a juicier dividend or let it go and look elsewhere? If it doesn't go up with increased rates, when will it?
Read Answer Asked by Steven on November 01, 2018
Q: I have some spare cash. Risk taker. In light of the recent pullback, would you suggest some growth securities preferably outside of Canada and USA for TFSA? The latter has to do with issues with US estate taxes for holding individual US stocks in personal accounts. ZQQ would be OK as it is Canadian domiciled but invested in USA situs property. Thanks.
Read Answer Asked by Ford on November 01, 2018
Q: 12 years of Tse pain
On Oct 31/07 the Tse closed at 14,625, Cnd dollar was at par to U.S and Wti was $94.51 Dow Jones was 13,930 and 10 yr treasuries were 4.47%
I realize that Tse was strong in resources and weak in Tech ,however there must have been a huge flow of funds to foreign markets
In 2007 was there a restriction on foreign content in RRSPs and did Etfs exist at that time?
Do you think that Tse will soon have its place in the sun as U.S. investors can now buy at a 30% discount?
Is Dec 27 the last day for tax loss selling?
Thank you
Read Answer Asked by Terry on November 01, 2018