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Investment Q&A

Not investment advice or solicitation to buy/sell securities. Do your own due diligence and/or consult an advisor.

Q: Good afternoon 5i,
As usual, thank you for your level-headed advice, especially during this time in the market. It is time to decide on a candidate for tfsa. We will be taking stocks out of our rif in kind to margin and then transferred into tfsa in Jan. I am debating which would be the best strategy regarding two stocks that I am considering, and wondering the best criteria to decide. I would really appreciate your take on the situation.

the two stocks are Toy and Goog. Neither of them has a dividend to worry about, so no withholding tax for the US stock, and no lost dividend tax advantage for the Canadian.

I have about a 40 percent profit in Google and Toy I just bought recently and have about a 5 percent profit (so far). I like the idea of growing them in the rif because of the tax advantage and ten putting them in the tfsa.
I am not sure but I imagine the decision comes down to growth. Which one will grow the fastest. Relative safety could also play a role, but the stocks have already been bought. Wondering what your suggestion would be on this?
Read Answer Asked by joseph on December 07, 2018
Q: hi, using above as an example, could you explain why this is trading at $20. the reset date is jan 1 2019. can this preferred share be called back?? is the market thinking rates are going to get lower again??? Brookfield Properties Preferred T
Read Answer Asked by chris on December 07, 2018
Q: One would think that if there won't be NEW pipelines built for the foreseeable future (thanks Trudeau!), then one could conclude that existing pipeline companies would be more valuable...the old supply vs demand argument => positive for the existing pipeline companies. Then one would muse about where would their future growth come from=> negative. However, I seem to remember that TRP has BILLIONs of approved projects in the cue => positive for TRP. Your thoughts on the pipeline companies in general and specifically on TRP. I have a 2/3 position and am considering topping it up. Thanks...Steve
Read Answer Asked by Stephen on December 07, 2018
Q: Hi,
I purchased some cdn dividend paying stocks on Oct14 and sold them Nov16 - Can I buy them back now (Dec7) without being concerned about the Superficial Tax Loss rule affecting me?
Read Answer Asked by RALPH on December 07, 2018
Q: Hi there, I asked a question a little while ago about the BE Portfolio and diversity. Another member asked a follow up question where you suggested this breakdown:

"Allocations need to be highly personalized; a suggestion might be: 35% BE, 15% XIC; 40% VFV, 10% VXUS."

Is there a TSX listed ETF that would be similar to VXUS?

Read Answer Asked by Michael on December 07, 2018
Q: I am sitting on a 31% loss in Photon Control in my Margin Account. I am considering harvesting the tax loss and re-purchasing in my TFSA after 30 days. Does this seem a reasonable strategy especially since PHO will likely take some time to turn around in this market? Alternately, if I don't sell the shares but move them to my TFSA will that trigger a tax loss? This only seems fair since if I had an unrealized capital gain I would have a deemed disposition and a tax liability.
Read Answer Asked by Ross on December 07, 2018