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Investment Q&A

Not investment advice or solicitation to buy/sell securities. Do your own due diligence and/or consult an advisor.

Q: ISRG was down about 4% Friday on general concerns about spending and increased competition from J&J and Google amongst others. I’m not sure what the fuss is all about since competition is just a fact of life and to the best of my knowledge neither J&J nor Google have any experience building medical devices.
It’s reported ISRG earned $2.96 a share, missing expectations by 2-11 cents per share. However ISRG reported profit was cut by 16 cents per share due to a payment to the Intuitive Foundation. Is the foundation part of the research arm of ISRG and why a foundation? Would ISRG have exceeded expectations if they hadn’t payed money to the foundation and did the analysis’s anticipate the donation to the the foundation?
I am contemplating buying the dip a little bit or do you think I should hold off?
Thanks for you prompt response on Conmed! (I don’t count the weekend as part of the 36 hour commitment).
Read Answer Asked by James on January 30, 2019
Q: Cheers. I’ve noticed that Lumber futures have had a nice climb since the New Year. Do your sources confirm this? If so what companies (1 or 2) would stand to profit the most from this rise?
Thanks for your assistance
Read Answer Asked by Terry on January 30, 2019
Q: 2:10 PM 1/29/2019
Hi: I am concerned about deteriorating trade relations between Canada and China. Could you please indicate which of the big 6 Canadian banks and big 3 Insurance have business in China and what percent of their entire business is located there.
Thank you.......... Paul K
Read Answer Asked by Paul on January 29, 2019
Q: You suggested the above ETF's for my daughter . She is moving to the USA so could you please suggest the closest equivalents if she is based in the US or would the 4 ETF's mentioned still be appropriate ? Thanks again.
Read Answer Asked by Paul on January 29, 2019
Q: hi folks:

as a PSA to the group, i wonder how long it is until the money laundering in river rock becomes a serious problem for GC

i do not own it for this very purpose and wonder how people will react when all the dots are connected and it is proven that GC was complicit in criminal behavior on an epic scale

not sure what the outcome will be yet i think people should handicap accordingly; and no, side from not owning i am not sure how to quantify this risk


Read Answer Asked by Robert on January 29, 2019
Q: Hi 5i:
What do you think about Assure at this point? I have been patient with a small position despite the suggestion just to sell and move on to something untroubled, just to see what would happen and because it actually seemed like it had an interesting business. The problems they had seem to be getting resolved. The share price has been relatively stable for a while now with the odd uptick recently. Is there enough going on there to justify my continuing to hold or would you still say no reason to stick around? Thanks!
Read Answer Asked by Lance on January 29, 2019
Q: Hi 5iR Team, The idiosyncratic reasoning of stock analysts never ceases to amaze me. In January TD raised SPB to an Action List Buy, their highest BUY rating for a stock. Meanwhile 5iR sells SPB? Confounding.....
In an event my question is on FAP and CHE. Over the last 25yrs I have owned both of these companies from time to time for income and modest growth. They have always managed to accomplish that goal for me. At this time they are trading at or near their lows for quite some time.
What are 5iR's current thoughts on these stocks?
Thanks Team. Cheers, Chris
Read Answer Asked by Chris on January 29, 2019
Q: Hi team,

What is your take on their recent acquisition of Visual Compliance / eCustoms Business? Is it very accretive or just in line with their prior acquisitions? I recall their purchase of Macropoint in 2017 was around $200 mil so this one is a larger acquisition monetary wise I think.
In your opinion, has Macropoint worked out as expected...or are there still better things to come from that integration?
Should we expect similar performance with this new acquisition (over time)?

I have held this company as an overweight position for 10+ years and it has done very well for me...thx! It seems to be a 'steady eddie' type stock for the most part...albeit expensive at times based on PE numbers...but sometimes you have to pay up for those types of companies.

Keep up the great teamwork!!

Read Answer Asked by Stephen on January 29, 2019