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Investment Q&A

Not investment advice or solicitation to buy/sell securities. Do your own due diligence and/or consult an advisor.

Q: Hi Peter, Ryan, and team,

In a recent post in Stock Chase, Barry Schwartz was commenting on MFC and gave it a "Don't Buy" rating, for reasons similar to 5i's. He then goes on to say that "he avoids this sector".

Is there a compelling reason to own SLF (or any other insurer) in the Financial Sector?

Our sector holdings across all accounts are BNS at 2%, GSY at 3.8%, SLF at 2%, TD at 6%, and TRI at 0.9%.

Should we 'stay the course' and keep things as they are, or should changes be made?

As always, I really value your advice.
Read Answer Asked by Jerry on January 29, 2019
Q: I learned from TD Waterhouse that Enghouse did a 2 for 1 stock split in December. I discovered it when I saw, what I thought, was a drastic fall in the share value to $37. My question is: should I not have received some sort of advise about the stock split from the Company?? To my knowledge I did no receive any such advice. And, also can you give me some background about the split?? Thanks
Read Answer Asked by Bob on January 29, 2019
Q: Hi Peter, Ryan & Team
In addition to my current 5i Balanced portfolio I want to build an additional RRSP ETF portfolio.Time horizon 3-5 Years and my risk level is moderate.
I am thinking to invest in the following ETF. Appreciate you advise on the distribution, concentration and risk level.
XMD 30%
VUN 20%
XIU 10%
VEE 10%
VXUS 10%
IXC 10%
IWO 10%

Read Answer Asked by Yousef on January 29, 2019
Q: Hi 5i

I would like your opinion on BAM.A
Risk level? scale from 1 to 10 with 10 being the best.
What sector would you class this stock under?
Is this a stock I can buy and forget?
Is this stock at a good buy point today?


Read Answer Asked by Stephen on January 29, 2019
Q: Hi 5I I'm 've watched this pot stock of which I know absolutely nothing go from 19.00 on Thursday to 23.00 today. What do you think of it? Are there any fundamentals? Do you have it on a Watchlist? Market Cap etc? Would you put money into it at this time?
Please deduct as many questions as you see fit to. Thanks in advance david
Read Answer Asked by David on January 29, 2019
Q: Hello, I am looking at making some adjustments to my portfolio over the next few months as I am concerned about the possibility of the next recession perhaps coming by the end of 2019 or early 2020. I would appreciate your recommendations for some defensive stocks which would weather a recession without too big of a drop. I already hold ENB, FTS, BNS and TD which I intend to keep but am looking to replace some of my other stocks with more defensive names.
thanks for your advice.
Read Answer Asked by Paula on January 28, 2019
Q: Hi 5i,

What would be your top 10 names for a U.S. growthy balanced portfolio?

Read Answer Asked by Wayne on January 28, 2019