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Investment Q&A

Not investment advice or solicitation to buy/sell securities. Do your own due diligence and/or consult an advisor.

Q: When considering asset allocation percentages do you take into account the present value of purchased lifetime annuity income as the equivalent of a bond asset value, or is there another way to consider this value in the fixed income portfolio? Thank you for your response.
Read Answer Asked by Jim on November 13, 2018
Q: In an effort to replicate a REIT ETF I hold the following REITs
which in total compromise 12 percent of my portfolio.
I am thinking of adding CHP which would increase the percentage held to 13 percent. Do you think that this would provide reasonable exposure to the various segments within the REIT sector or would you suggest something else.
Thank you for considering my question.
Read Answer Asked by Gail on November 13, 2018
Q: Hi Peter, thanks for your guidance in this not quite as fun as before time. I have my own rework question... COV, HNL, PHO, TSGI, & TV. Would you sit tight with these at this stage or sell 2 or 3 and put back into the others ? I'm assuming this is a good time while all are down to consolidate into those with the best outlook.
I appreciate your thoughts.
Read Answer Asked by Paul on November 13, 2018
Q: Is Walmart getting a bit ahead of itself, baheving like a 2017 tech stock? I am considering selling at these levels. What growth plans and strategies justify the price right now? It seems to me being able to stay competitive with Amazon is not enough to justify its current value. Can it grow into it over the next year or 2?
Read Answer Asked by John on November 13, 2018
Q: Are there any rules regarding insider purchases? Once they disclose a purchase, are they required to hold the stock for any specific period? If you know of a site where I could research this more fully, I would appreciate it.
Read Answer Asked by Brad on November 13, 2018
Q: Hi Peter, Ryan,

We have a few dogs with the downturn but we also cashed in all of our high runners in early October. Your insight is invaluable in our portfolio management strategy and we understand the decision to buy or sell is in our control. On that note, we have been buyers the past two weeks when a stock drops 25%-40% (i.e. KXS today at $67.99). Can you comment on the following opportunities (BYD.UN, WSP, NFI, CCL.B, PBH, SHOP, ENHG) to purchase now with a 3-5 year hold inside RRSP's.
1. Please rank (based on your expertise) the above stocks from best to worst as of today to add to an RRSP.
2. Which of the above, if any, are considered "prime" to purchase today.

Thank you
Jerry and Debbie
Read Answer Asked by Jerry on November 13, 2018