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Investment Q&A

Not investment advice or solicitation to buy/sell securities. Do your own due diligence and/or consult an advisor.

Q: Good morning 5i Team

NFI share price peaked in late March and has been been dropping since. The slide has accelerated since the Q3 report. Having read the report and listened to the call, I can't figure out what is causing such a sharp selloff. Here are four things that are noteworthy but still don't justify it in my mind:
1) new manufacturing plants (increased competition in the future)
2) Slightly lower backlog
3) Revelation that for every 10 new units sold, NFI typically takes 7 units in trade, and the re-sale value of trade-ins is declining, hurting margins.
4) Today's news (that the market has probably known for over a month) that 70 jobs will be moving to the US to accommodate the 70% US content rules.

I guess a fifth would be the overall market decline.

I've been watching NFI looking for an entry point. This looks like a good time but I feel that I must be missing something here. I would appreciate your thoughts before I pull the trigger.

Thanks. As always, your insights and guidance is much appreciated.
Read Answer Asked by Peter on November 13, 2018
Q: Would you please provide us with what the dates are for earnings announcements for all 5i portfolio stocks?

Appreciate your help.

Read Answer Asked by Sheldon on November 13, 2018
Q: I want to derisk my portfolio somewhat, and purchase approximately 300,000 in GIC`s. I am thinking about waiting till after the anticipated Dec rate. Would you wait and buy them all at that time, or stagger the purchases ?
Read Answer Asked by Allan on November 13, 2018
Q: Hi team,
Looking at this company's latest report with the oil sector being out of favour is it a good time to accumulate shares for the next 2 to 3 years? According to management the book value of the ice is one dollar.Some are predicting a four year bull cycle in oil ,but difficult to see with others predicting a recession in 2020 with oil prices that could hit 30$ What are you thoughts?
Many thanks,
Read Answer Asked by Jean on November 13, 2018