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Investment Q&A

Not investment advice or solicitation to buy/sell securities. Do your own due diligence and/or consult an advisor.

Q: Comments. There has been a change in the market and the economy. We have had almost 9 full quarters of U. S. growth, acceleration, etc. it may be coming to an end and we could be entering a downturn. This is the view of many smart people who do not publish or broadcast. Of course, based on the past, there has always been a recovery. Past results do not guarantee future performance and the winners may be different next time. The market is up or down for many reasons, but lets be frank here. 5i is not providing a hedge fund type service. I am sure many of the subscribers are inexperienced investors and feel the pain, if they bought stock near the peak of prices for certain areas. Common mistake. One's view of balance is critical but does not take into account major change in direction over a shorter time frame. One should not expect to have the market in their stocks recover. It may not. Risk mitigation is always the rule. Try not to lose your money or your can't play......Its my money and I expect to keep it and have it grow but I do not rely on anyone's opinion in the end. 5i is just one source of information or opinion.
Read Answer Asked by john on November 12, 2018
Q: I'm looking for a straightly growth stock for the next two years. What would be your preference between GSY and SHOP, or you have a even better one (or ones) than these two. Thanks.
Read Answer Asked by Victor on November 12, 2018
Q: Hello 5i,
I dont own any of the Brookfield group currently, but would like to at a discounted price. How would you rank all the bips, beps, bamas, bpys, etc, Which would you buy at current prices, for best 2- 3 year holding period, including growth and dividends ?
Read Answer Asked by Bernie on November 12, 2018
Q: In my portfolios (700k), I have 14% cash, 11% preferred share, 50% equities and 25% etfs (5.3% ZWC, 3% ZWU, 4.8% MFT, 1.4% XHY, 3% ZWE, 5.5% ZWH) all in two RIFs. I need some income to augment my pensions from the RIFs. I plan to increase the ETF holdings another 5 - 10%.
Should I increase the ETFs that I currently hold or buy XTR? Note: I am not a fan of XHY.
Thanks as always

Read Answer Asked by William James (Jim) on November 12, 2018
Q: Do you do a detailed competitive analysis when you research a company? If so, can you provide such for NFI. My specific concerns are the new plants being added to the US that will compete with NFI, 2 that will be online by next year:
- Novabus' new North American assembly plant
- Gillig is in the process of building a new plant in California
An additional 3 new entrants have announced their intention to enter the NA market

Read Answer Asked by Darcy on November 12, 2018
Q: Using low end of guidance @ $2.18 the shares are trading at below 11x P/E. Globeinvestor chart is showing RSI in oversold territory (unless I am reading wrong or using incorrect data - which could be a possibility :)).
The long term debt is still pretty high but if we are to believe mgmt.'s story the shares are cheap. I've been picking away and I'm at half a position with an ACB of around $30. Would you suggest buying the other half position with the share price currently at $23.01 as I am writing this question? Or continue to average in during the tax loss selling season?
Read Answer Asked by Richard on November 12, 2018
Q: Most of the companies I currently own are listed on the TSX. I believe some of these companies must be claimed on a T1135 (foreign ownership) form. Is there a list somewhere that will help me identify which TSX companies are considered foreign?
Read Answer Asked by william on November 12, 2018
Q: Crude is approximately double the price it was in late 2015 - early 2016 and the shares of are where they were when oil was trading at 30 per barrel. 35% of Vermillion's holdings are Brent-priced light oil production and European natural gas prices that are 2-2.5x greater than North American gas prices. Compared to a typical Western Canadian oil and gas producer it would seem that Vermilion is a bit of a value play here. The fact they did not cut their dividend through the last downturn and have paid an increasing dividend since 2010 is also notable. So what am I missing? Thanks! Randy D.
Read Answer Asked by Randy on November 12, 2018
Q: Hi Peter and Ryan,I see you seem to be taking a lot of heat about your balanced portfolio's performance lately.Just to put things in perspective,I have been a member since you began and with a little help by using margin sometimes(something Peter doesn't recommend lol!!)my total return for 5 years,even after this pullback is 175%.I remember you warning investors after a couple of 30% gain years in a row that things wouldn't always be that rosy.You also always stress not to panic every time markets have a violent pullback.People investing in the stock market should be prepared to deal times like this,it's not easy I know.Anyway,I'm quite happy with the service 5i provides,it's the best investment I've ever made!!!
Read Answer Asked by terry on November 12, 2018
Q: You have mentioned Dream's western Canadian exposure in other answers. This is purely anecdotal but I notice in Calgary that I have a lot of vacant space. Therefore I would prefer to own another industrial REIT. Recommendations please. Thanks always for your great service.
Read Answer Asked by Nigel on November 12, 2018
Q: Just my 2 cents..having been with 5i for 4 and a half years I gave learned to trust your opinions and then do my own due diligence. These are difficult weeks and the market is fearful. But it is still here after many many years and decades of ups and downs. When we stand back and look at the charts....we are up over the years. This is an opportunity to slowly dip into some of our favourite holdings. The world and hence the market has always had problems and always will. To those who doubt 5i opinions...stay the course...and do your own research as well. I'm glad I have.
Post at your discretion.
Read Answer Asked by El-ann on November 12, 2018
Q: It seems Cdn/US markets have reached a very high valuation for many stocks/sectors and investors are trying to find a reason (minor earnings miss etc) to get out of the market and build some cash positions. Interest rates will still go up and it will add more pressure along with all other uncertain factors which would lead to more panic selling and high volatility in the markets. Worst case scenario the markets will collapse considering the 10 year bull market run and tightening liquidity, lower stock buyback etc. Keeping this theory in mind is it a good idea for small investors like some of us 5i subscribers to build at least 30% cash and stay invested in defensive sector stocks like Utilities, REIT, FInancials and Staples instead of buying on dips in Tech, cons disc, Industrials sectors. Last few days many solid companies in 5i portfolios in Industrials, CYcylical sectors have sold off due to minor earnings miss. We can re-deploy the cash once the interest rates stop increasing and the market buy signals are positive in 2019. Would like to get your opinion and recommendation on this thought assuming smart money has started getting defensive and getting ready for next fall/recession.

Read Answer Asked by Ninad on November 12, 2018