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Investment Q&A

Not investment advice or solicitation to buy/sell securities. Do your own due diligence and/or consult an advisor.

Q: amazing, but with all the carnage out there a resource company with one product keeps hitting it out of the park.
incredible results, so my question is what is a resonable multiple that largo should sell for — 12 times, if its 12 times largo should be around 6-7 dollars, am i correct?dave
Read Answer Asked by david on November 14, 2018
Q: Hi,
any word on Electrameccanica Vehicles Corp.? They appear to gearing up for sales and have a number of units on preorder but information lacks transparency.
Read Answer Asked by david on November 14, 2018
Q: Hi 5i, What are your top 4 Canadian technology picks for a 5 - 10 year hold. The only criteria would be safety + growth, little or no debt, dividend a plus but necessary.

Read Answer Asked by Christopher on November 14, 2018
Q: Shareholders of
Tahoe will be entitled to elect to receive common shares of Pan American
and/or cash in exchange for their shares of Tahoe. Additional
consideration will be in the form of the right to a contingent payment
in common shares of Pan American tied to the restart of the Escobal mine
in Guatemala.
Read Answer Asked by fwb181 on November 14, 2018
Q: If you have lots of questions in the queue, this can wait, no rush.
You sometimes say GUD is dead money it has been and may still be I agree. However I have 300k of GUD and the last 6 weeks I probably saved 60k since most of my other stocks are down 20 to 25% and GUD has held up. Now suppose I take the dead money approach and invest my 300k in dividend paying stocks say 5%. That would give me 15k by Nov 2019 assuming those stocks keep their value no guarantee there. But if I keep my GUD it needs to go up .41 cents to $ 8.68 as I write this to cover the 15k. Question, what are the odds GUD will trade at 8.68 one year from now ? What are the odds it will trade down .41 cents ? As a fund manager you would respond one way, but would like your view as a personal investor.
And if they do make a large acquisition, I suspect the sp would jump 20% at the open, and this why I keep GUD my biggest position. Question do you agree ?
As you I am disappointed they have not made a large acquisition, I am questioning if they ever will based on their strategy since inception. After all Mr. Goodman did say this was for his grand kids. He has money, is in no rush obviously, perhaps prefers a stress free life at this point of his life. When did you speak with him last time or to management ? They would never reveal they were ignoring a large acquisition anyway. Question do you feel he has the drive for a large acquisition ?
Thanks, for your help.
Read Answer Asked by Luc on November 14, 2018
Q: Add our names for two thumbs up for 5i research! I am suffering like everyone else. But, I realise that I have received good advice from 5i. But, I don't expect you to have a crystal ball. And so the final decisions are ours.

We are wondering whether it is too late to sell Premium Brands for a tax loss. It is already the 14th, which means that we would not be able to buy it back until mid December. I expect much of the tax loss selling would be finished by that time, and , if it ever does turn around, it might be before that date that PBH starts to climb. (I suppose despite all of this we are always optimistic!) So, would it be just better to hold than to book the loss and possibly miss the turnaround, if it comes?
Read Answer Asked by joseph on November 14, 2018
Q: Do you have any recommendations for a short? I realize you primarily provide buy side analysis. I currently hold Dol short. Thank you as always.

Read Answer Asked by Jason on November 14, 2018