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Investment Q&A

Not investment advice or solicitation to buy/sell securities. Do your own due diligence and/or consult an advisor.

Q: In a previous question you suggested that WBA could possibly be a good short. That sort of threw me because I thought of it a safe defensive stock not unlike a loblaw, shoppers kind of stock. I have held it about 7years now at probably a triple. Would you think it is fairly valued. (not likely due to the short recommendation) Would you sell all or a portion. And if yes could you recommend a US replacement. Thank you as always
Read Answer Asked by chris on November 16, 2018
Q: Is there a way to trade Samsung on the New York stock exchange or an etf with a heavy Samsung weighing.

The new Samsung S9 is superior in every way over the iPhone and has the potential to disrupt apples dominance of the smart phone market.
Read Answer Asked by Thomas on November 16, 2018
Q: On Sept 20, SIS forecasted:
- 2018 Revenue of $285m & EBITDA of $44-45m
- 2019 Revenue of $400m & EBITDA of $60-62m

Today, SIS is forecasting...yup you guessed it... EXACTLY THE SAME.

Frustrating price action, but maybe a good thing. I'm trying to figure out if, like KXS, when their outlook hasn't changed, is this a fantastic buying opportunity or should we temper the 3-5 year timeframe enthusiasm somewhat given the macro environment.
Read Answer Asked by Darcy on November 16, 2018
Q: What would your advice be relative to exceeding a theoretical 5% limit for blue chip Canadian companies which have been beaten down by simply market sentiment in a lot of cases? I'm thinking of increasing my holdings of some of those I have listed. I realize I can buy CDZ but have a slight preference for individual companies.

Read Answer Asked by Ronald on November 16, 2018
Q: I have a long time to wait on investments and don’t have much interest in trading, as I prefer value investing.
1)I’m still up 30% on Nvidia, with a long term in mind. Do you think it’s better to sell out now and buy back later, or do you see enough growth and value coming to make it better to just sit on and wait?

2)I’m trying to build the core of my portfolio around long term holdings in strong dividend payers (with a bias towards aristocrats) and use all drips available, and even proxy drips through my broker when I need to. Could you give me your top 1-3 dividend payers for each Sector (with a bias towards dividend growth and safety/ aristocrats).
Also, I’ve read lots of articles that state that dividend investing on average out performs the market by a few% per year, just without most of the wild swings. Do you agree?
Hopefully my rambling makes sense...
Read Answer Asked by david on November 16, 2018
Q: This is not a question, just comment.
So nice to see Peter on BNN's show today. I subscribed to 5i for some time. I made some money but also lost on certain stocks. But that is expected in equity market. It is different from bonds or treasury bills that ensure you won't lose the principal. I listened to Peter's webinar on how to pick stocks and made notes. I read it again and again to remind myself not to make stupid mistakes again. For Peter and 5i staff's advice I want to express my gratitude. Other 5i members' valuable input and ideas are also highly appreciated.
In bad time, it is hard to be an optimistic investor, but it is a very important attitude to get through corrections or depression. We have seen the 'safe' bank stocks go down to an incredible level before and go up again. Understand one's own risk tolerance and 'do your homework' is a must. I also look at other resources though they have different views and sometimes confusing. There is also an element of luck when I sell a stock at a high price and then it drops a lot on the next day. Cheer up, things will change although we do not know when.
Read Answer Asked by Cindy on November 16, 2018
Q: Good Day,
With these companies taking huge hits lately isn’t this the time to be greedy when others are fearful? Do these companies deserve full positions with a long term outlook?
Read Answer Asked by Marco on November 15, 2018
Q: Hi,

For a 2 year hold, which would you recommend in order of preference?

Thank you.

Read Answer Asked by Larry on November 15, 2018
Q: Guest on bnn continually refer to rising interest rates good for banks and insurance CO’s. It’s a bit misleading because unless spreads increase it’s not going to happen . Could Peter Address this point when he is on bnn on Thursday. Thank you

Read Answer Asked by Roy on November 15, 2018
Q: Hello,
Do I have the right to tell my (discount) broker not to lend my shares to short sellers? Alternatively can I ask the broker to share whatever he receives from such a loan?
Thanks in advance
Read Answer Asked by Yves on November 15, 2018