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Investment Q&A

Not investment advice or solicitation to buy/sell securities. Do your own due diligence and/or consult an advisor.

Q: After 7 years of being a member of 5i I just want to say thank you. With your assistance my wife and I are in a position that we can retire and live off our dividends. We have reached a level that our retirement income will surpass our working income, without touching the principle. We have always saved but 5i, let us put it all together.
To think we started off 40 years ago with just $40.00.
Great Service


Read Answer Asked by Mike on January 25, 2019
Q: Hello 5i
I’d be interested in your comments on this years January “bounce”. Do you feel it is just a bounce due to tax loss selling or are we likely to move higher after January. I realize this is a market call which is a guess at best but I stil value your opinion and insight.
Thank you
Read Answer Asked by Dave on January 25, 2019
Q: I still own 400 shares of Maxar, down 77%.

It has clearly been a major disappointment, but surely, the business still has some value. My understanding was the business they do has a significant moat, which, to my way of thinking, should make it appealing to someone doing M&A but not at the prices I paid for it!

My question is, would it be a reasonable bet to dollar cost average down in the hopes of putting my shares in play for a potential take over, or do I just walk away.

If I continue to hold for the dividend, is there a reasonable chance of an eventual recovery?


Read Answer Asked by Donald on January 25, 2019
Q: I'm wondering if (part of) my investment philosophy is wrong? I have some income stocks & ETFs in my RSP (and about to RIF), not because I necessarily need or needed the income on a current basis, but on the basis that the dividends get reinvested in a DRIP for an eventual payoff. Yet even after 5+ years, these two "safe" (?) stocks in particular are down 15 - 20% even after all reinvested dividends?! I'd hate to calculate how much they'd be down if I had taken the dividends and spent them. While they didn't suffer as much in 2018Q4 as some others, they have been a disappointment. Do I need a rethink of my philosophy? Should I continue to hold these two/three? Thanks.
Read Answer Asked by Lotar on January 25, 2019
Q: Hi 5i team,
Following the release of their most recent quarterly results, and their share price drop (a couple of bucks), is CXI still a long term “kind of boring” buy?
Eps growth seems to take longer to happen then expected at first. Following yesterday’s conference call, do you find management’s narrative still credible regarding expenses control, being finished increasing fixed costs (hiring and systems), several sources of growth strategy (catalysts)?
Aside from liquidity, which does not bother me since my time horizon is fairly long (sell at the time management will sell the company), do you have any additional concerns (consumers going electronic/plastic faster than expected?)?
Thank you for your collaboration,
Read Answer Asked by Eric on January 25, 2019
Q: Expert pinions are strongly divided about BXE, it is cheap and should go up significantly or debt is too high and could go bankrupt. Today (Jan 24th) volume was unusually high with the share price increasing. Is it possible to find out if that was just short covering or fresh buying that might suggest some new development.

Thank for your superb service, Peter
Read Answer Asked by Peter on January 25, 2019
Q: Hi, my 25 year old son has a TFSA with the following holdings: ATD.B, BAM.A,GIB.A, CXI, WEED,DSG,XTC,GWO,GUD,TOY,TSGI,SYZ,SJ,WCN . Are there any holdings that you would exit in this portfolio. What would be suitable replacement considerations?
Read Answer Asked by Ian on January 25, 2019
Q: Just trying to clarify a response you sent today. For Keyera you indicated a 6.8% yield and growth at less than 8%. So, for a yearly return on that investment are you suggesting something less than 14.6% (6.8 + 8) or is the estimated yield of less than 8% inclusive of the dividend? Thanks
Read Answer Asked by Graham on January 25, 2019
Q: I own RIT for exposure to the Canadian REIT market. Please rank these four holdings as a long term hold in a growth portfolio. Also, I am considering adding one (or two) individual REITs to add a bit of up side to the general REIT market exposure of RIT. Would you advise this and, if so, which of these three, or any other, would you recommend?
Read Answer Asked by Ross on January 24, 2019