Q: Portfolio Analytics is recommending that I have 70% of my equities in US and international stocks. 5i has also often recommended that one should not hedge the currencies. Are you recommending that one should not hedge the currency because some ETFs charge extra for hedging, or do you anticipate that the Canadian dollar will continue to trend downwards for the forseeable future?
I am concerned that 70% foreign currency exposure is too much risk, especially given that the Canadian dollar is relatively low at the moment on a historical basis. Many ETFs, such as those offered by BMO, offer hedged and unhedged versions for the same MER. Would you recommend that I buy the hedged versions to decrease foreign currency exposure?
What is the maximum percentage of a portfolio which you would recommend involve foreign currency exposure? I am close to retirement, but will have a good pension and do not anticipate needing access to my investment funds in the forseeable future.
Thank you for this great service!
I am concerned that 70% foreign currency exposure is too much risk, especially given that the Canadian dollar is relatively low at the moment on a historical basis. Many ETFs, such as those offered by BMO, offer hedged and unhedged versions for the same MER. Would you recommend that I buy the hedged versions to decrease foreign currency exposure?
What is the maximum percentage of a portfolio which you would recommend involve foreign currency exposure? I am close to retirement, but will have a good pension and do not anticipate needing access to my investment funds in the forseeable future.
Thank you for this great service!