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Investment Q&A

Not investment advice or solicitation to buy/sell securities. Do your own due diligence and/or consult an advisor.

Q: Hi, Would you please suggest a list of 5 stocks for an RESP account. I have 60K to deploy, and will start using it in 6 years. Medium risk, Canada or US is ok.
Thank you
Read Answer Asked by Fernando on April 04, 2019
Q: Where can I find a list of up-to-date and accurate DRIPS with their discounts

Thanks, John
Read Answer Asked by John on April 03, 2019
Q: I haven't been following the politics too closely but it doesn't look like the British can figure out a plan/agreement for leaving the EU. What impact do you see a no-deal exit having on the market? Since everything has basically gone up a lot since Dec.24th, I'm worried that even a fart from Europe will stink up the whole market. Thoughts? By way of background, my investing horizon is short term.
Read Answer Asked by Jason on April 03, 2019
Q: For those who are looking to park money for short term I suggest that they look at or they are redeemable in about 9 months and a year and 9 month. Has very good downside market protection of about 30% and over 5% dividend which is better than interest. Their prices have been very stable with about 1% fluctiation. Cannot explain why they are popular with investers. I personally own large amou t of both.
Read Answer Asked by Saad on April 03, 2019
Q: Hi 5i,
I looked on the MSI web site and it looks like they do not offer Career Management Services (ie job loss displacement servces). Can you confirm this please?
This service seems to be offered by PEO. Can you also confirm this please?
In my opinion, this is a key service to have if there is a significant downturn in our economy and there is a great deal of job loss. Can you suggest any CDN listed stocks which may provide this service?
Read Answer Asked by Ian on April 03, 2019
Q: Out of the techs mentioned above, which would you sell first to free up some cash in case of a downturn.
Read Answer Asked by Gigi on April 03, 2019
Q: Hi 5i,

I understand Uber and Airbnb are due to IPO in the near future, do you know when? Do you have an initial opinion on them?

Read Answer Asked by David on April 03, 2019
Q: Analytics tells me I need to transfer about $200000 from Can. to US. What are your 4 best picks at the moment non-tech but with growth and maybe a dividend from 4 different sectors. As you know you have already provided ETFS but I still prefer individual stocks. Thanks
Read Answer Asked by michael on April 03, 2019
Q: I have accounts with Wood Gundy and Investors Edge, so consequently had a mishmash of preferred share holdings. In an effort to build a better yielding, laddered, preferred share portion of my portfolio, I sold all current preferred positions and am planning a ladder with the above noted shares in a non-registered account. These will constitute about 20% of my total portfolio. Do you have any concerns with the choices, or rate resets in general ? I rate resets have not performed well, but the yields are quite attractive.
Read Answer Asked by Mark on April 03, 2019