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Investment Q&A

Not investment advice or solicitation to buy/sell securities. Do your own due diligence and/or consult an advisor.

Q: Information only. I inquired about KWH.UN's final dividend and share tender dates yesterday and here is their reply today.

Hi Larry,
Crius and Vistra are on track to close. Shareholder approval was received as well as other required approvals. However, there is one last approval required that we are currently awaiting on from the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC). Once received from FERC, the closing will occur no later than the fifth business day after such approval, at which time the final distribution will be paid. Our regulatory counsel have advised us that FERC approval should be received shortly, and no later than end of April.
Read Answer Asked by LARRY on April 04, 2019
Q: Hello, can you share your thoughts on Medipharm Labs Corp's recent earnings release?Seems to be positive news, good revenue all in the last month or 2, future contracts look positive. Not sure how to compare these financials to other companies like weed or acb, because Medipharm is focused mainly on Cannabis Concentrates. Thanks!
Read Answer Asked by Michael on April 04, 2019
Q: Hi 5i I hold small positions in these 4 companies and would like to add to each as funds become available. At this time, considering present values , in what order would you add? Thanks
Read Answer Asked by Gary on April 04, 2019
Q: I own 800 SHS of ENB in my non-registered acct.: had for 10 years - added to original position a couple of years ago to bring to current 800 SHS. Also own same number of TRP SHS - same scenario. Added together both a small % of total portfolio. Sitting on a lot of cash and was thinking of increasing ENB to 1000 SHS. Also own: BNS, BMO, CM, T, BCE, IFC, TCL.A & NFI in this account: last 2 were added last Jan.
Read Answer Asked by James on April 04, 2019
Q: Hi
Without knowing my specific situation, I'm more interested in a general response to this question.. I'm 50 so my investment horizon is obviously shorter than a 30 year olds, ... Generally, where on an investment style scale would you expect a 50 year old to be eg aggressive growth, income seeker etc I guess an equity/fixed income percentage answer seems reasonable
Read Answer Asked by mike on April 04, 2019
Q: In talking to RBC Direct Investing regarding receiving the dividends in USD, I was told it is as easy as moving my 20 shares from my CDN holdings over to US, couple minutes on the phone and all done. All good except my converted shares are now CNSWF trading on the OTC Pink Exchange where daily average volume is 780 shares, any cause for concern here do you think?
Read Answer Asked by Charles on April 04, 2019
Q: Hi Guys
I'm really starting to look at fund fees in my portfolio i.e.
ZWU management fee 0.65 & mer 0.71
SPY management fee 0.05 & mer 0.09
I'm not sure if its apples to apples given the covered call strategy of ZWU do you add the fees together for the total cost to reflect your total return.
Best Regards,
Read Answer Asked by Thomas on April 04, 2019
Q: My question is regarding Guardant Health. Would you consider this a good time to buy half a position considering it’s recent massive run up and then sell off? It’s always hard to gauge when to step in after such a drop... but there was finally a good day today there was a ton of volume and the stock was up over 4%. Any reason for the big drop? Was it just because the stock had run up so quickly? I have no issues with risk and have a long time frame. Sector is not a concern either.
Read Answer Asked by Michael on April 04, 2019