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Investment Q&A

Not investment advice or solicitation to buy/sell securities. Do your own due diligence and/or consult an advisor.

Q: I am a young retiree and am not allergic to volatility. I own each of the above REITS in my RRSP or TSFA for tax purposes. They represent collectively 7% of my total portfolios including my taxable account. My taxable account holds a mix of growth and dividend paying companies. It's a rather large holding. I don't own bonds because I don't understand the first thing about bonds but currently own 23% in money market or Guarantied Cash Deposits. I would like to add to my revenue generating part and would like to tone the risk down a bit. Where would you go from here?

Thank you very much for your support.
Read Answer Asked by Yves on February 01, 2019
Q: Hello Peter,
I would appreciate some explanation as to why investors may see the equity investment into Canopy (Constellation) and Cronos (Altria) as more positive than joint partnerships formed by Hexo (Molsons) and Tilray (Anheuser-Busch). I would think the partnerships show greater commitment by Hexo and Tilray management not to give up so much control of the companies. However, the equity investment could be seen as infusing cash and they are US companies (Constellation and Altria) with lots of exposure. Would you diversify your monies across all four or forget Hexo and Tilray as the market does not seem to like what they did or atleast not as much as Canopy and Cronos. Thanks very much.
Read Answer Asked by umedali on February 01, 2019
Q: Hi team,
I did a fast calculation and my tech weighting is at 31%, broad etf's at 29% and the crumbs that are left over in energy, consumer dis. industrial, communication and health.
From the tech sector my highest weighing is SHOP at 5.04% all the way down to PHO at 1.88%

Although CYBR.B is an etf, I lump it in the tech sector. If you had to remove one or two to lessen the weighting which stock would you sell. I really like all those stocks but I am also aware need to up the other sectors.

Thank you
Read Answer Asked by Rino on February 01, 2019
Q: Greetings.

OrganiGram has put together 2 really strong sequential quarters combining for 35 cents earnings. Annualize 35 cents from the 2 previous quarters and the stock is trading under 10x forward earnings.

Is there anything in the Q report that indicates a significant portion of these earnings are from one time items. It looks like a pretty clean report to me.

What are your thoughts on OrganiGram's Quarterly report?

Read Answer Asked by john on February 01, 2019
Q: Hello 5i,
Stars group continues to be one of your favorite higher risk growth stocks. I personally have the same view. However, it appears the market continues to beat this company down.
Please explain what are the top 3 reasons (other than the high debt) that you believe is causing this stock to currently continue to move down and please detail (debt reduction, revenue beats, acquisitions etc..) what will have to occur in the mid-term in order to drive this stock higher and make an u-turn. Finally, what should the minimum time horizon be if one is currently holding this security. What are the top downside risks (Including: Regulatory, political, execution etc..) and to what degree is each of these risks going to impact this company on the downside.

Thank you,
Read Answer Asked by Joseph on February 01, 2019
Q: Hi There,
I am interested in purchasing an active fixed income ETF.
Can you help list what you believe are top tier fixed income sub-advisors/managers/companies in Canada that I should consider.
[eg Marrett, PHN, Leith Wheeler, Fiera etc?]
Could you also list some active fixed income ETF's that one might want to consider adding that you believe are worth the MER.
Read Answer Asked by Ian on February 01, 2019