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Investment Q&A

Not investment advice or solicitation to buy/sell securities. Do your own due diligence and/or consult an advisor.

Q: I own 1500 SHS of BIP.UN in my non-registered account and a 1000 of the other in a registered account. I noticed that my Mar. distribution for BIP.UN was $1012.00 not 1500 x .5025 = $753.75? This is what> The difference is ROC? These type of securities should probably be held in a registered account, I would think? Very complicated at tax time with the T5013. Unfortunately, you cannot exchange securities - ie. BIP.UN to registered account in exchange for securities of same value. BIP.UN has been an awesome investment.
Read Answer Asked by James on April 05, 2019
Q: With the current US $ exchange rates I don't think its a great time to buy US equities with Canadian dollars. Your thoughts?
Read Answer Asked by Ron on April 05, 2019
Q: Hi, a follow up to my last question, were there any periods where the yield curve inverted in the last 20 years, but didn't lead to a recession? Do you by chance have the dates or chart on that?
Read Answer Asked by Jordan on April 05, 2019
Q: Enjoying the portfolio analytics service so far, it is really showing what sectors I am light and heavy in.
The portfolio analyzer is saying I am quite underweight in the consumer defensive area. What would be some of your current 2-3 favorites, Canadian and US.
Read Answer Asked by David on April 05, 2019
Q: News yesterday BAM has $2B deal with China in real estate. Make people think the story in the dark room. Sources indicate the seller(s) on the other side of the deal are not private own Corp, is it the another political motive deal? Indirectly related with recent tensions with China?
Over the years, looking the rear view mirror, it looks like these corps are acting as liberal’s “friends”/banks/lobbyists, they are too big to fail and same time they are not for shareholders best interest.
Read Answer Asked by LEI on April 05, 2019
Q: what is the best persent of a stock you should have in your holdings
Read Answer Asked by paul on April 05, 2019
Q: Do you believe that it is a good time to invest in Africa and do you have any thoughts on the following ETFs: NGE, FLZA, EZA and AFK?
Many Thanks,
Read Answer Asked by Michael on April 05, 2019
Q: Your thoughts on this IPO. If you have to, will you favor the preferred shares or the class A. Evolve seems relativly new as a ETF's provide, do you have any concerns?
Evolve Gold Miners Split
Read Answer Asked by Daniel on April 05, 2019
Q: I would like to understand better why preferred shares, as represented by CPD, plummeted in 2007-2008 and again in 2013-2016. They dropped about 35% in the first (recession) episode and about 36% in the second one. Most recently, between September 1, 2018 and now, they have dropped about 13%. How vulnerable would CPD be to another huge drop if the economy continues to weaken through 2019?
Read Answer Asked by Philip on April 05, 2019
Q: Hi 5i:

I hold 5% positions in both and have solid gains. I was thinking of dropping one and going to RPD or FDC and raising my tech exposure to 10%. Which one would you drop from my portfolio and do you like this strategy? I have a 5% position in KXS. I am well diversified across all sectors. Thank you.

Read Answer Asked by Tom on April 05, 2019