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Investment Q&A

Not investment advice or solicitation to buy/sell securities. Do your own due diligence and/or consult an advisor.

Q: Hi 5i,
I think there are some very good F-Class mutual funds available but, one can only purchase them through an advisor. How can one become certified as a mutual fund advisor and purchase F-class funds for their own account? I am retired and don't mind taking courses to become certified. Does this makes sense and can you point me to the right web sites to learn more about this?
Read Answer Asked by Ian on April 09, 2019
Q: I am not receiving my daily emails even though I have it marked to receive them. I was hacked a while ago and maybe I am now unsubscribed. Istgere a way to get them back. Thank you.
Read Answer Asked by Helen on April 09, 2019
Q: Hello 5i
I've not been impressed with CDZ's performance of late. I see that you keep recommending it even though their fees are higher due to better diversification. I believe they've been hurt recently by one large holding that went south, AGF I think. I'm puzzled by all this so what advice do you have? Is there alternative in this segment for a long term hold?

Thanks for the service
Read Answer Asked by Gregory on April 09, 2019
Q: MG,LNR,TSGI,GSY,GC,NFI,TFII Which of this or any other you believe are higher growth
( can be higher risk)
Read Answer Asked by Nizar on April 09, 2019
Q: Just a quick comment. I read your answer at Manoj on edg100.
you seem a little biais on Vt. you mention the advantage on C$ 0n 10y performance.
At the end of mars 2009, the C$ was at 1,2576, now around 1,33 (5-6% difference total), that's not just explain more than 2% overperformance net of fee.

Read Answer Asked by BENOIT on April 09, 2019
Q: I have about 10K of NFI and I'm down about 20% on it (paid close to 12K). Thinking on selling half of my NFI (5K) and using proceeds to buy 5K of Linamar. To spread the risk and also hoping to leverage the potential upside in LNR. NFI pay a 5% dividend though which is attractive (I don't need the dividends yet but at least I get paid to wait). Your thoughts on this ? Stick with NFI or split it between NFI and LNR (I guess which has the better potential for capital appreciation ?).

BTW - Love the new portfolio tools...keep up the good work.
Read Answer Asked by Randy on April 09, 2019
Q: With the analytics package , one can not monitor his spouse’s portfolio separately . I find this frustrating as my wife’s age , income, and circumstances are different than mine... I use a different , safer strategy for her portfolio. I guess this is similar to the question by the person who didn’t want to include RESP in his analytics . Thanks , Tom
Read Answer Asked by Thomas on April 09, 2019
Q: Could you explain the differences between these two ETFs, if you can call CGOC an ETF. Specifically as to what they invest in, are they actively managed, and their level of risk compared to each other? Your preference of the two, for someone who has a high risk tolerance, who wishes to have some exposure to the industry?
Read Answer Asked by Edgar on April 09, 2019
Q: Using your portfolio analytics we find we are underweight in Financials and need to add to these stocks. The percentages from highest to lowest are SLF, BNS, TD, GSY, VB. Which ones would you add to first. These are held in a RRSP account with a 5 year timeframe.
Thank You
Read Answer Asked by Louise on April 09, 2019
Q: Can you give me a report on this company is it a good TSFA ?
Read Answer Asked by shirley on April 09, 2019
Q: Good Morning,
Can you please rank in order of preference.
Currently own CSH & BEP.

Thank you

Read Answer Asked by Larry on April 09, 2019
Q: Using DOO as an example, according to RBC, among 8 analysts the estimates for the Q1 range from .31 to .68 per share, thats a .37 variable. Roughly speaking, with over 97 million shares outstanding x .37 , that is over a $35M spread for only one quarter. Often stocks get rewarded or punished for missing estimates by pennies, I dont understand why so much emphasis, when in this case anyway it appears the analysts are throwing darts to come up with their numbers? Not much of a question, but I have lots.
Read Answer Asked by Charles on April 09, 2019