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Investment Q&A

Not investment advice or solicitation to buy/sell securities. Do your own due diligence and/or consult an advisor.

Q: Hello Peter,

Sam Altman wants to raise $7T for AI chips in the future. He's looking to the UAE for investments. Thoughts, comments? Will this likely be a new private venture or is there a possibility that he may explore any current publicly traded firms to partner (in terms of funnelling cash into, etc.)?

Next, what are some names that could benefit from this current theme and or Sam and others from diving into the chip design, manufacturers, etc. What are your top names for years out in this space, and a few comments on each. Let's rock!

Finally, Cybersecurity and protection of critical infrastructure is and will be huge. Top names in this space, ranked in terms of future outperformance?
Read Answer Asked by Stefano on February 28, 2024
Q: I have these companies on my cash account , they all are doing good, but now I'm looking to sell 3 of them, so I can buy some BRK.B.
Which 3 would you let go. thank you.
Read Answer Asked by Fernando on February 28, 2024
Q: Are there a few Canadian and/or US companies that are “hiding in plain sight” that have the potential to be long term compounders similar to a CSU, MKL, ROP etc?
Read Answer Asked by Peter on February 28, 2024
Q: G'morning 5i,

I'm sitting on a fairly substantial loss on GXE in my TFSA. In trying to decide what to do, I first waited for the strategic review to complete, hoping that something positive would come of that. When it didn't, I next decided to wait for its latest earnings report, hoping for something positive there but, from my review of the numbers and despite management's rosy outlook, I don't see anything re-assuring there. either.
My inclination is to sell, take the loss and do something useful with the now severely diminished funds.
Occasionally in the past when I've made that decision with a losing investment, hindsight has caused me to regret it, and I think perhaps I should have been alert to signs that a turnaround was in the offing.
From your objective perch do you see any reason to hold GXE given the milquetoast strategic review and what I interpret to be the less than satisfactory recent earnings report?
I look forward to your thoughts. Thank you.

Read Answer Asked by Peter on February 28, 2024
Q: Hi,

One of the larger holdings in my portfolio is NVDA ~5%. I trimmed some NVDA last week and bought some VRT ~1%. Thinking of buying some SMCI as well. Do you think owning all three would be too correlated or would it be okay? Thinking of adding ~1% position to SMCI (seems to have settled down a bit here). If it were you, in what % would you allocate to each of the three names?

Also long AXON (nice results yesterday). Would like to add more but looks pricey at 68x p/e and 11x p/s. Thoughts?

Read Answer Asked by Keith on February 28, 2024
Q: For a TFSA, what are the 10 U.S. stocks that you would recommend ?


Jacques IDS
Read Answer Asked by Jacques on February 28, 2024
Q: My wife and I would like to convert our diversified portfolio of 20 active companies to a portfolio of ETFs. We are in our 70s and would like to simplify our portfolio.

We picture 5 to 10 ETFs.
One or two ETFs for all Canadian stocks, same for the USA and one or two for indexes outside North America.
As I say, we’re currently pretty well diversified and earning dividend income of around 5% and would like to continue around that level of yield and diversification.

What ETFs would you include? Is this a dream or can it really be done?
Many thanks for your research and opinion.
Read Answer Asked by Frank on February 28, 2024
Q: I will be making a case to our investment club to replace CU with ENB..The portfolio mandate is conservative growth with above average dividends. How would you compare these two companies, what metrics would you use, how would you frame the presentation ?
Thanks. Derek.
Read Answer Asked by Derek on February 28, 2024
Q: I understand that TGED and TUED ETF's use both Call and Put option strategies to produce income. One is a global ETF and the other is a US stock ETF both available on the CDN exchange. Can you help suggest some ETF's available on the US exchange that use both Call and Put option strategies targeting the World and US stock markets. thanks
Read Answer Asked by Ian on February 28, 2024