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Investment Q&A

Not investment advice or solicitation to buy/sell securities. Do your own due diligence and/or consult an advisor.

Q: I'm underwater on a few investments and I'd appreciate you sharing your perspective on if you see these stock improving over the next 3-6 months.
Read Answer Asked by John on June 20, 2019
Q: I have a ? on ISHARES overall holdings approach. I am not a big ETF holder but own a 3% position in FIE. I am in the annual review process and was surprised to see the top two holdings of the fund are other ISHARE products, making up almost 30% of their holding. Is this typical with iShares investing so much with their own product. Its not giving me the level of bank and insurance company investment I would of thought. CPD makes up about 20% and I already hold a 2% holding in that fund. Your view please.
Read Answer Asked by James on June 20, 2019
Q: Our holdings mix is off what many advisors would recommend, ie 30% equity, 40% GIC, 30% recall preferreds. Our pref market prices are way underwater but all blue-chip and long-term holds for us unless we both croak. Please mull my question below in the foregoing context: I was nervous about our prefs for some time until having drilled down to try and better understand them. I feel better now, understanding that those recalled will be for the full $25 and, if not recalled, the new return will reflect a $25 per share value which will almost surely be higher than GIC's especially from a tax efficiency perspective. I guess what I'm asking is for you to advise if my take on reset preferred is correct and if any other considerations. Thank you.
Read Answer Asked by Bill on June 20, 2019
Q: Peter please: I have owned a full position in JP Morgan since the lows of 2009 and have had a tremendous gain in this stock. I also purchased wells Fargo and Citigroup and some other top us financials around the same time and have held all this time. Recalling how US financial stocks plumetted in 2009 has lately given me pause. After ten years of building this wonderful gain, is it now time to sell (tax is a consideration here obviously) or hang in for the very long term in keeping with my usual long term strategy and risk my gains evaporating a la 2009. I gravitate to quality companies however I realize how poorly financial stocks can behave in a serious downturn and don't want to see my hard earned gains erode in jpm. Do you consider jpm a trade or a very long term hold. Side note I'm liking Facebook these days and considering ways to fund a FB purchase.
Read Answer Asked by Vicki L on June 20, 2019
Q: What are your thoughts on the Zillow Group as a (longish term) investment ? Would this be a good way to get a toehold in the Real Estate sector in the US? .. or are there better ways?

ZG seemed to have started out well enough, but then took quite a dive last fall; now it seems to have stabilized and is back on the rise. Was the dive from general market unease, or something fundamental in the company?

Thank you.
Read Answer Asked by Sylvia on June 20, 2019
Q: I know this company is a bit small for you to get too interested in, so my question is really not company specific but rather based on using KUT as an example. They have had a good run over the last year. Price is near highs. Yesterday they announce a BDF at .95. This is about 10% below recent trading. Today they announce an increase in the BDF at the same price. Naturally, price dropped around 7% today to just above the BFD pricing. However, while noting the dilutive effect of the financing (adding around 20% to the float!) and the probable cap on the stock price for a while as all is digested, should not one wonder that if seasoned investors are prepared to pay a certain price for a fairly large piece of a company which is trading near all time highs, perhaps this should be seen as a positive for the company and we, as small investors, should give consideration to buying near the BFD price? I appreciate that big investors get it wrong as often as we do, however, is this scenerio not generally a positive for the company?
Long question, please deduct as many as you deem appropriate.
Thanks as always
Read Answer Asked by Neil on June 20, 2019
Q: There will be SLACK IPO tomorrow . Can you please comment on the investable stock price range. Thanks a million. I appreciate your excellent service.
Read Answer Asked by Lai Kuen on June 20, 2019
Q: I have positions in both of these insurance companies. With the recent discussions about a national pharmacare program, could you tell me what level of financial impact would be felt by these two companies. Should I be looking to divest over the next year during an upswing in prices. I am retired and am relying on at the very least at maintaining the dividend payout and preferring an increasing dividend payment. Thanks
Read Answer Asked by Scott on June 19, 2019
Q: What are your thoughts on this company and buying stock now or wait for a quarter?
Read Answer Asked by LUIGI on June 19, 2019