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Investment Q&A

Not investment advice or solicitation to buy/sell securities. Do your own due diligence and/or consult an advisor.

Q: I keep about 10% of RRSP for what I call " opportunity buy". I bought GOOG in December 2018 when it dropped to 987 and last week sold it to buy Biogen dropped 29% in one day due the the cancellation of phrase 3 R&D on amyloid based Alzheimer drugs. Now it up almost 9% in one week and GOOG is back to the exact price that I sold it.
What is your thought: Hold on to BIIB - more rrom to run or get back to GOOG?

Thank you!
Read Answer Asked by Nhung on April 05, 2019
Q: I would like your comments on the Brookfield group of companies. You have BEP.UN in your income account. How would you rank these. I am a retired 77 year old interested in a conservative dividend generating portfolio. Have have BEP.UN and BPY.UN in my portfolio.

Thank you.

Read Answer Asked by Donald on April 05, 2019
Q: I am finding your 'Portfolio Analytics' to be an outstanding service. The imbalances within my portfolios are abundantly clear.
I am overweight financials with
TD - 3.55%
JPM - 5.19%
BAC - 6.77%
GSY - 1.29%
CXI - 0.71%
All stocks show a decent profit except for CXI which is down 23%.
I have fairly high risk tolerance and I look for reasonable growth. I would appreciate your recommendations on how to reduce my financials by approximately 3%
Read Answer Asked by Ed on April 05, 2019
Q: Prometic is refilling an amendment to the BLA for plasminogen in H2 2019. If approved this orphan drug with fast track designation comes with a priority voucher possibly worth 100 million. Lazard has 2 deals to close in H2 as well which depend on approval. That said they need cash badly and announced an eminent debt restructuring. There at 20 cents today. What's your best guess on what happens to the float and share price after this. Do they have to give the company away at these to raise 100 million when possibly 200 million is coming their way this year.
Read Answer Asked by Steve on April 05, 2019
Q: Hi 5i,

can you help by suggesting a list of "quality" Canadian listed stocks which meet the following criteria:
1. good diversified global exposure
2. low or no dividend
3. decent liquidity
4. not too volatile
5. can be any market capitalization
Does BAM.A fit this criteria?
Hopefully you can suggest many more for me to look at.

Read Answer Asked by Ian on April 05, 2019
Q: I own 1500 SHS of BIP.UN in my non-registered account and a 1000 of the other in a registered account. I noticed that my Mar. distribution for BIP.UN was $1012.00 not 1500 x .5025 = $753.75? This is what> The difference is ROC? These type of securities should probably be held in a registered account, I would think? Very complicated at tax time with the T5013. Unfortunately, you cannot exchange securities - ie. BIP.UN to registered account in exchange for securities of same value. BIP.UN has been an awesome investment.
Read Answer Asked by James on April 05, 2019
Q: With the current US $ exchange rates I don't think its a great time to buy US equities with Canadian dollars. Your thoughts?
Read Answer Asked by Ron on April 05, 2019
Q: Hi, a follow up to my last question, were there any periods where the yield curve inverted in the last 20 years, but didn't lead to a recession? Do you by chance have the dates or chart on that?
Read Answer Asked by Jordan on April 05, 2019
Q: Enjoying the portfolio analytics service so far, it is really showing what sectors I am light and heavy in.
The portfolio analyzer is saying I am quite underweight in the consumer defensive area. What would be some of your current 2-3 favorites, Canadian and US.
Read Answer Asked by David on April 05, 2019