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Investment Q&A

Not investment advice or solicitation to buy/sell securities. Do your own due diligence and/or consult an advisor.

Q: I'm down a fair amount in registered plans after holding each of the 13 listed stocks for some time. Please rate in terms those that are worth keeping as the prospects are good vs those where it's probably time to cut losses and move on. Timeframe of 5 years before starting to draw down from portfolio.
Read Answer Asked by Chris on December 14, 2023
Q: I have partial positions in listed 10 ETFs - plus JPM Quality US Factor [JQUA] ETF.- did not come up on your list.
Your advice is requested on which ones to move to full positions now:
a) rank those to buy now and add others you like;
b) rank those to buy later when your price points realized
c) rank those that are could be sold.
Thank you
Read Answer Asked by sam on December 14, 2023
Q: Hello 5i,

The turnaround that began in early November on many preferred stocks already seems to be reversing on some of them and heading back towards their lows. Is there a logical reason for this? (My question concerns perpetual preferreds, here are some examples - MFC.PR.C or FTS.PR.F)

Any information is welcome.

Thank you
Read Answer Asked by Charles on December 14, 2023
Q: what are 3 key current metrics that you use to evaluate SMCI? and how do they compare for the over the last 5 years thanks Richard
Read Answer Asked by richard on December 14, 2023
Q: In my investing account, Telus is rated a sell based on 4 analyst sells, 6 holds, and 1 buy. I just read your comparison with BCE, and it seems to me that while you prefer BCE, you hardly regard Telus as a sell. I hold both and was planning to continue. Would you see any objection? (I'm retired)
Read Answer Asked by M.S. on December 14, 2023
Q: Could you please explain why it isn’t in one’s best interest to withdraw more than the mandatory RRSP annual withdrawal??
Read Answer Asked by Greg on December 14, 2023
Q: I am carrying losses of previous years and want to use them up. Can I sell stocks with capital gains and buy them back the same day, or do I have to wait a day? Thank you.
Read Answer Asked by Patricia on December 14, 2023
Q: I realize it's not a very long time horizon but of these three stocks, how would you rank them for Capital appreciation over a one year period, thanks?
Read Answer Asked by Pat on December 14, 2023
Q: I want to add one of the above with the expectation of a total yearly return of 8% in the next five years.
Could you rank the above and explain your rational
Best of the season
Read Answer Asked by Raoul on December 14, 2023
Q: Hello Peter,

After Fed Powell's update today, is it reasonable to push the pedal for a Santa rally into the new year? If so, what sectors in the US would you look at? Would you look at anything in Canada at all? Any stock suggestions for a 'rational exuberance' would be most welcome.
Looking forward to your perspective.


Read Answer Asked by Rajiv on December 14, 2023
Q: What are the most common investing mistakes that you see being made by people who are managing their own investments? Maybe a top half dozen or so, with a brief explanation as to what should be done instead of the incorrect habits. Thanks.
Read Answer Asked by Dan on December 14, 2023