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Investment Q&A

Not investment advice or solicitation to buy/sell securities. Do your own due diligence and/or consult an advisor.

Q: I know you have stated that "growth" stocks are best to be held in your TFSA.
I just turned 70 - I had put Dollarama and Savaria in this account and Dollarama is recovering but Savaria is not, to date, although I know you still like it.
The problem is that when you have it in this account and things don't work out, you can't sell and claim a loss vs putting it into your Non-RRSP account.

Shouldn't your age and time horizon come in effect when deciding on what goes into each account.
Thank you
Read Answer Asked by Margaret on July 05, 2019
Q: This is a follow up question regarding where to place XEF for tax efficiency. You Stated "These points could be argued, and could be variable based on one's exact situation and tax rate. But we would generally agree with this assessment."

Just wondering which points in my argument could be questioned. Also, if my corp is taxed just under 15% (small business) and my personal tax is low, does the reasoning fit better?

Thanks again,

Read Answer Asked by Federico on July 05, 2019
Q: There are a huge number of presentations at the money show in September. Are all or any of these taped and made available at a later date for viewing?
Thank you
Read Answer Asked by paul on July 05, 2019
Q: The Portfolio Analytics has HPR.CA showing as 100% Materials which is far from correct. The ETF provider's sector breakdown is roughly 55% Financials, 24% Energy, 11% Utilitlies and so on, but no Materials. Can this be corrected so that the results being received from the service are accurate? This would certainly make a great tool a lot more useful to me (as in ditch the spreadsheet).
Read Answer Asked by Lisa on July 05, 2019
Q: I am wondering if any of the following do not hold all their international stocks directly (ie if they are an ETF of ETFs). I am pretty sure that XEF, IEFA, and IEMG do own all stocks directly, and I think VEE does not, but please correct me if I am wrong. I cannot seem to find information about the rest.


Thanks again,

Read Answer Asked by Federico on July 05, 2019
Q: Hello everyone,

For the webinar, which I will not be able to view live, do I have to sign up in order to watch it at a later date? or will it be available to all 5i members regardless if they signed up or not.

Read Answer Asked by Rino on July 05, 2019
Q: In my registered accounts I have a full position in VGG. Doing very well.
In my US account I hold WMT. Gone from $98 to $112 over a relatively short period of time.Thinking of cashing in and buying VIG.
Ignore sector allocation. Purely for performance ,dividend growth and a little more diversification .WMT seems to have done well in its competition with Amazon. Has it run out of steam.
Read Answer Asked by Roy on July 05, 2019
Q: Thinking of investing in US drug company GIL. The whole sector seems hammered which I think may be a result of the US presidential race...I'm more of a " Tell me what they're up to " kind of investor as opposed to earnings per share and how many of their last quarters they've beat......Would like to know the good and bad about GIL ..... And one important factor... Are they in any way effected by the various state sponsored opioid lawsuits . I don't want any where near any of those companies. It looks like they may be in a lot of trouble. .... Of any country's drug companies would it be 5I's choice ? If not what would be 5I's current favorite ? Thank you for your sound advice......
Read Answer Asked by Garth on July 04, 2019
Q: Hello and thank you for your exceptional service. I am retired and dividends and other distributions are a necessary part of my income. In an environment such as we currently live in without inflation and with historically low interest rates. Aren't REITs a valid alternative to bonds and GICs? I own 15% in GICs, no bonds and I'm currently overweight at 9% in Real estate and wonder if my strategy is correct in your opinion. Should I remove some REITs exposure, which would you trim first and in what order from the list above. Where would you put the money instead? Thank you.
Read Answer Asked by Yves on July 04, 2019