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Investment Q&A

Not investment advice or solicitation to buy/sell securities. Do your own due diligence and/or consult an advisor.

Q: Just finished portfolio analytics. Very underweight healthcare with only BIIB in my US holdings. Also learned the following make up less than 1% positions. Which would you add to and which could be let go. Have significant tech exposure. Can you suggest another US helathcare company or should I just add to BIIB to a reasonable weight.
Read Answer Asked by Paul on April 16, 2019
Q: We bought a dividend mutual fund for my grandson at birth 18 years ago. This is held in trust in my wife's name and actual amount of actual dividends, taxable amount eligible dividends and dividend tax credit for eligible dividends ( Boxes 49,50 & 51 of the T3 form) claimed on her income tax for the last 17 years. Now this fund is worth 3.5 times the original amount invested- my question is can you tell us if the growth of this fund will have to be declared as a capital gain when we cash it out to give him to start a TFSA?

If this question is out of the realm for you to answer please feel free to charge me as a question asked.

Thank you for this and the service you provide.
Read Answer Asked by James on April 16, 2019
Q: Owned this in the past on a belief that content was king. Hasn't worked out that way for this company yet, though. However, with Disney+ coming on stream and the new hire announced today (with a Pixar connection) is it time to give this company another look? I see it ultimately as a takeout play and wondering if you concur. Or does this company still need to show it can grow profitably first and reduce its debt before buying?

Appreciate your insight.

Paul F.
Read Answer Asked by Paul on April 16, 2019
Q: Hi 5i Team,
I just read Peter column in the National Post and recognize myself with a few small positions each representing a very small portion of my portfolio (ex: 0.36%, 0.54%, 0.64% etc).

I would like to know at what percentage of a Portfolio do you decide to close a position because you consider it too small.

On the other end what would you consider the minimum "meaningful" percentage of a new position in a portfolio.

Thanks in advance!
Read Answer Asked by Michel on April 16, 2019
Q: Hello 5i Team,

Wondering if you can give me your thoughts on the future potential of Brick Brewing, as they announced their 2018 year-end results last week. They currently do a significant business in co-bottling, and management says they plan on being part of the future cannabis-infused drink business when it becomes legal.

I read, however, that there will be strict rules for cannabis-infused drink bottlers, in that they will not be allowed to use the same bottling facilities as they do for alcoholic or non-alcoholic drinks, due to cross-contamination risks. This will certainly add significant extra costs to all beverage companies that want to get in the cannabis game.


Read Answer Asked by Bradley on April 16, 2019
Q: Have found the recommendations about investing outside of Canada to be very helpful.
I do cringe when looking at possibilities for adding bonds or fixed income as all of the etf's I have seen suggested have very poor performance, why not just stay in cash? I realize the desire to minimize loss in equities, but have a hard time committing money when the products perform poorly. Any other suggestions?
Read Answer Asked by Lavern on April 16, 2019
Q: Thanks for the above. I have a problem with your allotment of both PPL and ENB under energy.I have these co. for over 10 years and have very well with both divide and capital appreciation and don't wish to sell them.I have kept my PPL as utilities which kept my allotment reasonable.Now I should sell most of them to get down to your recommendations.Your comments please.
Read Answer Asked by jim on April 16, 2019
Q: Thomson trades in both the US and Canada and, even if I hold TRI in the US, the Asset Allocator allocates it as Canadian.
TRI's average daily volume is higher in the US than Canada.
From a business point of view, TRI's sales in the US are greater than Canada.

When thinking about portfolio diversification, on a geographic basis, should TRI not be considered a US equity, whether held in the US or Can?

Could your online tool be adjusted to allow the user to manually make that change?

Read Answer Asked by Walter on April 16, 2019
Q: I almost only read questions related to my specific companies. So may be I have not look in the right place. My question is at this time in the Market cycle, would you recommend allocation changes and also increase cash somewhat?
Read Answer Asked by Pierre on April 16, 2019
Q: Further to the question about Riocan on April 12.

An article in the Globe and Mail on April 8 listed Riocan as one of the "thirteen TSX stocks whose dividends appear unsustainable".

An article in the Globe on April 12 had Riocan in a list with the headline "Seeking top-performing REITs that are still well valued".

How sustainable is the distribution? How will Riocan compare to some other REITs (such as CAR or CSH) for total return over the very long-term?
Read Answer Asked by Doug on April 16, 2019
Q: I have held AltaGas in a registered account for many years. I recently received an Information Circular to vote in a meeting May 2. One item to be voted is a 'reduction of stated capital'. I carefully read the description provided but am no wiser about what is proposed. Is this something I should be concerned about? It seems to be an entry on the financial statements to satisfy the Canada Business Corporations Act.
Read Answer Asked by J on April 16, 2019
Q: As a follow up question...... Looking for good growth in US mid cap industrial sector
Read Answer Asked by Craig on April 16, 2019
Q: Relatively balanced portfolio....Analytics shows heavy Canadian financial and need to add US communication and Industrials. Have
BAM 6.25% AD 2.82% FSZ 2.2% GSY 1.9% BNS 1.5% SLF 1.4% ZBK 1.4% ECN .87%
VB .8%. Which would you trim/eliminate and which US communication and industrial would you add. 5 years to retirement.
Read Answer Asked by Craig on April 16, 2019
Q: I have tried asking this question at Questrade but still haven't got a straight answer. It's about DRIP and cost base. My example: I buy 100 shares @ $10 and then I get $40 of dividends, which DRIP turns into 4 more shares. I have to declare and pay tax on the $40 of dividends I got, so my take is that I have "purchased" 4 more shares. When I go to sell, is my book price then $1040 for 104 shares?
Read Answer Asked by TK on April 16, 2019