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Investment Q&A

Not investment advice or solicitation to buy/sell securities. Do your own due diligence and/or consult an advisor.

Q: Rick Reider is managing BRTR a new income etf. Does it pay a dividend or does it operate as a total return instrument? Are there any income etf's trading in the US that instead of paying a dividend provide capital gains instead similar in result to the corporate class structure from Horizons? Lastly does Horizons have any US dollar income etf with a corporate class structure and if so would you recommend it? Thank you.
Read Answer Asked by Ken on December 18, 2023
Q: What is your best recommendation for a US dollar and traded bond etf that holds short term bonds of around 2 year duration that can be held for 12 to 24 months that would benefit from a thesis that interest rates will fall during the next 12 to 18 months. I have never held bonds, have US cash and would like to on a lower risk basis park current money market funds into a bond etf that preferably does not pay dividends but can appreciate capital based on a combination of shorter term bonds gradually coming due and interest rates falling. Thank you for providing some direction and suggestions since I feel rather lost in this area of investing.
Read Answer Asked by Ken on December 18, 2023
Q: Year end soon, so time for some predictions. Wondering what you would guess the Bank Of Canada benchmark interest rate will look like in, say, 3 years, currently at 5.0% Over the next 3 years, what level of performance do you expect from the TSX Venture Index and the TSX Composite Index - a lot of people are saying that small caps are due for some outperformance after many years of underperforming. Understood that this is just educated guesswork.
Read Answer Asked by Dan on December 18, 2023
Q: The adjusted net earnings attributable to shareholders of the Corporation went from $2.19 to $2.03 (down) for the year. Net Indebtedness ratio recovered to 2.06X from 2.47X for the year. Your views after the recent quarter. Does your analysis see any further recovery in the business or indicate selling the stock at this price? Do you thing of taking advantage of this price by getting out of it?
Read Answer Asked by Piyush on December 18, 2023
Q: BRE had what looks like a positive announcement today - market reaction is mixed - this is a small company; no dividend growth buy high yield over many years. I have a small allocation in my portfolio just to give my overall yield a bit of a boost. Do you like the deal announced today? Is it a ‘safer’ company ad a result of this deal?
Read Answer Asked by Mark on December 18, 2023
Q: To what extent is the comparatively higher sell off in Canadian oil & gas producers attributed to Guilbault's promise to cap our Canadian production as a green initiative. How serious is this recent Trudeau government threat coming out of COP28 in Dubai? I hold TOU and CNQ but it is an energy general question.
Read Answer Asked by Keith on December 18, 2023
Q: Hi,
I am looking for your opinion on this stock and ETF. The stock is listed as the 11th holding in the ETF for regional banks, KRE. It caught my attention as it seems to be breaking out of a long term base. Also is JNK a good ETF, and if not what alternatives would you suggest that pay a decent dividend. Would I be right is thinking JNK will be negatively affected if interest rates begin to drop? Deduct credits as you feel appropriate. Thanks - your advice and insight is always appreciated!
Read Answer Asked by Dawn on December 18, 2023
Please also advise if any of these don't need to sell.(TAX REASON)
Highly appreciate your opinion.
Read Answer Asked by Nizar on December 18, 2023
Q: So a lot of people think that interest rates have peaked and are set to go down, thus the market reacts positively. I believe that interest rates have peaked BUT will remain higher for longer. I anticipate that the market will initially react negatively to this but eventually will settle down to the new reality and continue to react to such metrics as earnings growth etc..
Recognizing that no one really knows the future, what would be the likely scenario ( short and long term ) for each of the sector ETF’s I am invested in : Canadian banks , American tech, American healthcare, Canadian large cap industrials/ utilities. Thanks. Derek.
Read Answer Asked by Derek on December 18, 2023
Q: I have held J for some time and am up some 36% in a registered account. I note its price has started to slip compared to other industrials I hold (WSP and TFII). In your view, is this temporary? Or should I consider replacing it with another US industrial with faster growth? If the latter, what would you suggest as replacements and why? Thank you.
Read Answer Asked by Maureen on December 18, 2023
Q: Hi,

Here are my current sector allocations with target sector allocation in brackets and holdings. For a growth focused long term investor, does this make sense to you? We have around 45 holdings with a few ETF's (VEE, XEF) for international exposure and 100% equities.

I've noticed in your growth portfolio, your main sectors are financials, industrials, tech and cons. disc, with the other sectors at relatively low weights and I've tried to match our allocation with that. For an individual DIY investor, how often should one be looking at their sector allocation and rotating sectors? For example, looking at economic contraction and expansion cycles, are there certain times when we should be over or underweight sectors?

Currently, what part of the cycle are we in and with the FED indicating rate cutes in 2024, should I be trimming and adding in certain sectors? I find it too hard to perfectly time sector outperformance so ideally I just want to buy great businesses that will perform well throughout any cycle and I feel that the companies that I own will do very well over time. Do you agree? I'm not looking to make dramatic shifts in sector allocation, but maybe some small adjustments. For example, trim some tech and add to materials/energy. However, when I think about trimming quality companies like CSU/LMN/SHOP, etc.. and adding to more energy/materials, sectors that are highly cyclical and not in control of their own destiny (dependent on commodity prices), I get hesitant. Can I get your general thoughts on sector allocation and sector rebalancing. Thank you!

Technology 24.47% (22) SHOP, KXS, CSU, NVEI, CRWD, TOI, NVDA, LMN, INTU
Financials 22.61% (18) SLF, V, MA, JPM, GSY, TD, TSU, BN
Consumer cyclical 16.02% (18) ATZ, MGA, BYD, SBUX, BKNG, CROX, DOO
Industrials 14.13% (20) WSP, ATS, TFII, GDI, HPS.A, HEI, CPRT, AXON, TVK
Consumer staples 6.34% (5) PBH, COST, DOL, ATD
Energy 4.90% (5) TOU, WCP, TVE, ENB
Communications 4.16% (5) GOOGL
Cash 2.10% (2)
Health care 1.91% (5) WELL
Materials 0.71% (5) LUN
Utilities 0.37% (0) BEP
Read Answer Asked by Keith on December 18, 2023