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Investment Q&A

Not investment advice or solicitation to buy/sell securities. Do your own due diligence and/or consult an advisor.

Q: Hi Peter & 5i staff,
I think my last question got lost in the shuffle, so here goes. My Son has a couple of accounts, an RRSP and a LIRA, each with $135 Thousand. Very little time to manage these accounts so I am doing it for him. Is it advisable to go with all in one ETF's like VGRO, XGRO or ZGRO as the funds are not required for at least 15 years. Any suggestions and advice would be much appreciated. Thanks as always. Ivan
Read Answer Asked by Ivan on April 16, 2019
Q: The last question on VPY was asked August, 2018. Recently at Raymond James analyst, "Ms. Phelan upgraded its stock to “strong buy” from “outperform,” seeing a “favourable” inflection point for both revenue growth and its share price".
What are 5iR's thoughts on VPY? Currently I have a small position.
Thanks team. Cheers, Chris
Read Answer Asked by Chris on April 16, 2019
Q: For the above I have the following percentages:
VSC - 2.5%
XBB - 3.3%
XHY - 2.0%
CPD - 1.0%

Next year I must convert to a RIF and was going to work toward lessening my equity portion and increase the portion paying reliable dividends.

What would you increase these holdings up to? Are there others I should consider? I currently have 24% in utilities and a small position of 2.8% in CDZ.

Thank you
Read Answer Asked by Ronald on April 16, 2019
Q: Would you suggest to sell RBF461 and portion of VBAl to raise Cash assuring no negative tax implications for me when withdrawing annually $20,000.

Symbol Name Shares $CAD Value Account Type Yield P/E 1 Yr Return Total Portfolio Weight
RBF461 RBC Select Conservative Portfolio Series A 594 $12,854.00 RRSP Mutual Fund 9.51% 16.4 3.64% 3.14%
VBAL Vanguard Balanced ETF Portfolio 1731 $44,227.00 RRSP Mutual Fund 1.93% 14 4.23% 10.79%
Read Answer Asked by Hali on April 16, 2019
Q: I am interested in what your general guidelines for sector percentage allocations would be at this time and looking forward in 2019. We are retired with pensions ,investments in registered accounts and a balanced approach investor. Second question-your recommendation re percentage allocation Canada/US investment. Thank you for your assistance.
Read Answer Asked by Elizabeth on April 16, 2019
Q: With the guiding lights of 5iResearch, my portfolio value has reached all time high. I would like to express my deep gratitude to Mr.Hodson and his team for the great service, knowledge, education and support.
I am a DIY concentrated, unbalanced, buy and hold investor. Not all of my holding stocks fared so well and contemplate a Spring Weed Out. My losing stocks are namely TSGI (-47%, 2% of portfolio), TCL.a (-45%, 0.6%), IQ (-30%, 0.4%), PHO (-25%, 1.1%), COV (-13.5%, 1%), GUD (-7.4%, 2.5%), TOY (-5.1%, 4.5%), NFI (-4.6% 0.5%), and TV (-68%, 0.01%). Please kindly advise if any of the above holdings require chopping or double down and rank them in priority ? Please deduct deduct my question credits as you see fit. Thank you very much.
Read Answer Asked by Bill on April 16, 2019
Q: Thanks to portolio analytics I am cleaning up my portfolio. I am looking at consolidating PHO and TSGI into one position. Which would you keep? Very long time horizon.

Also looking at adding to either DOO or TOY in our TFSA. which do you prefer?
Read Answer Asked by Paul on April 16, 2019
Q: With the recent announcement from Horizons on the release of an ETF that will be built based on exposure to the US marijuana/hemp industries (HMUS on the NEO exchange - trading to begin April 18th, 2019), which ETF would you prefer?

Would you consider the valuations of the Canadian MMJ companies to be more overvalued than the US co's, and if not, what would you believe to be an appropriate ratio if you recommend both ETFs to be held?
Read Answer Asked by Tom on April 16, 2019
Q: Are dividends from USA ETF's held in a RRSP exempt from withholding tax just like USA stocks are? Thanks. Peter
Read Answer Asked by Peter on April 16, 2019
Q: looking ahead the next 6 to 12 months and with safety of principal in mind, how would you rank these fixed income etf's? thanks.
Read Answer Asked by Curtis on April 16, 2019