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Investment Q&A

Not investment advice or solicitation to buy/sell securities. Do your own due diligence and/or consult an advisor.

Q: I have the following in an RESP (CU has 25%, rest are about 15-20%)


I'm thinking of replacing CU with OSB - 12 yr time horizon, the fact that OSB is in the trough of it's cycle, has a solid dividend and low debt makes me think that over a 12yr hold I should be able to get a higher return (implied selling into a housing boom).

What are your thoughts?

Read Answer Asked by Ciaron on July 08, 2019
Q: Hi 5i and team
I presently own WSP which ran up to 5% of holdings and SIS. I'm considering selling SIS and adding BYD.UN and or CAE. That move could bring me to 10% industrial. Should i trim WSP and keep industrial to a prefered percentage or Let it run which brings Me to my other question if allowed. I get confused with all sectors ie: cyclical, non cyclical, defensive etc...i would prefer having 7 if possible. I'd appreciate your thoughts with this.
Thanks for your valuable advice as always.
Read Answer Asked by Gilles on July 08, 2019
Q: Hi 5i,
Of the following list which ones will you let go:
and which ones would you keep and why.
I know is not and easy answer, please deduct as many credits as required.
Read Answer Asked by Fernando on July 08, 2019
Q: Does the legal action started have any possibility? Most of these issues end up dying a slow death. Shareholders have been deceived but whether there is sufficient fact here is questionable as is the usual response of the TSX and authorities to simply allow managements actions that are clearly against minority shareholders wishes. It would be nice to see some teeth in investor law.
Read Answer Asked by david on July 08, 2019
Q: Wondering if you can confirm what Benchmarks are used for the 5i Model Portfolios.
I may be wrong but from passed members questions I gather you may use XTR for Income, XCS for Growth. What about Balance Equity portfolio benchmark?
Many Thanks
Read Answer Asked by Frank on July 08, 2019