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Investment Q&A

Not investment advice or solicitation to buy/sell securities. Do your own due diligence and/or consult an advisor.

Q: I'd like to thank you for the Analytics walk through presentation yesterday and for answering my questions related thereto. I am in the process of downsizing from a house to a condo and have every intention of purchasing your portfolio management service as soon as my move is completed. Mike
Read Answer Asked by Michael on July 10, 2019
Q: Stock Alerts....I would like your take on how to set Stock Alerts.
I have Income, Balanced and US Portfolios and I cast an eye on the stock prices generally on a daily basis, aka at the end of the day. But with this and that, and especially in the outdoor summer months, I thought it would be worthwhile, prudent to have stock alerts set to give me a heads up when a stock is hitting a new high or a 52 week one....and that's easy to do. But on the downside, what should I do to be aware if a stock is breaking down or taking a noise dive? Like what parameters or percentages or is there something else I should consider in setting downside Stock Alerts? ...........Tom
Read Answer Asked by Tom on July 10, 2019
Q: I hold some ZHP. It 's going sideways since I bought it. I want to get your outlook over time on this ETF. Should I hold to it? It's down 5% since I bought it

I bought some VMO and it is down 3%. I read it is active ETF but I do not see any movement with the stock. What's your insight?

I have some US dollar and am thinking either of investing in ZTS or CSX .
Which one would you go with specially if there is an economic downturn?

Thank you
Read Answer Asked by Kristelle on July 10, 2019
Q: I am trying to clean up my Energy sector. I have the following: CPG, CVE, ERF, HSE, IMO, SU, TRP, VET, MX Could you please place them in order, starting with first to sell.

Also, could you please let me know which companies I should buy with the proceeds. I have a very long timeline, and I feel that companies that are rather low right now may jump a fair bit when the price of oil rebounds.

If there are any other companies that you would suggest to buy, please include them as well.

Thank you once again,

Read Answer Asked by Federico on July 10, 2019
Q: Have all of these and so far all performing fairly well---they all around 2%
Want to top 2 of them up to 5%----or maybe you have a better choice.
Please advise your thoughts
Read Answer Asked by peter on July 10, 2019
Q: Good evening,

I am torn with Starbucks. I bought back in 2011 and enjoyed one stock split. History shows that it is a possibility that it might split again this year. My issue is that it has grown to 10.42 % of my entire investments which is getting high. I am tempted to hold on due to its very high dividend growth and maybe another split. Sooner or later though (11% or 12%) I will have to trim back. What would be a good place to put the money if and when I trim back and do you see a split this year? Below are the past splits. From what my research show they usually split around high 80's

March 18, 2015 2-for-1
September 21, 2005 2-for-1
March 20, 2001 2-for-1
February 22, 1999 2-for-1
September 29, 1995 2-for-1
July 1, 1993 2-for-1

Thanks Jimmy
Read Answer Asked by Jimmy on July 10, 2019
Q: Hi could you let me know who is leading the 5G network?
Read Answer Asked by Richard on July 10, 2019
Q: What will it take to get rid of this Meir guy? I thought the results of last meeting's votes were the end of this nonsense. His childish attacks and lying news releases are an embarrassment. Is he 10 years old or something? Is he mentally challenged or is he just a terrible person? Obviously Jonny G and the Knight team made a big misstep partnering with this clown. Does Medison (ultimately Knight) pay for these spurious news releases? How is this not slander? What is Knight to do?
Read Answer Asked by Bob on July 10, 2019
Q: webinar,my computer went blank on me,is there anyway i can recuperate the end of the show
Read Answer Asked by Lorraine on July 10, 2019