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Investment Q&A

Not investment advice or solicitation to buy/sell securities. Do your own due diligence and/or consult an advisor.

Q: I’m trying to pick three companies from the list above to purchase as part of a balanced fund for the long term.
Which three would you recommend? Thanks
Read Answer Asked by Ben on March 04, 2024
Q: Can you please provide your thoughts on the stocks listed for a RESP that will start to draw down in 4 years? In addition to these positions the portfolio has a good core position in CDN, US and INTL large cap ETFs. Any that you would get rid of now? If so, please provide alternatives (both Cdn and US).
Read Answer Asked by Chris on March 04, 2024
Q: Thanks to 5i, over the recent past, I have DCA these stocks, holding less than 5% with room to add based on your advice.
c) 1% - POWL NXT EXP
Please rank those that you would be comfortable adding to [DCA] now - with target percentages. For example, would you add to AXON first and, if so, to what percentage.
Read Answer Asked by sam on March 04, 2024
Q: My tech stocks have had a great run and it's time to trim as they are now about 33% of my portfolio. Can you please rank the above stocks along with SMCI (watching for a pullback in that one). I also have GOOG and AMZN. Do you think they are too closely related as well?
Read Answer Asked by Neil on March 04, 2024
Q: Would you please give me your evaluation of FLGT's recent quarter. On the surface it appears quite positive, however the stock is down 10%. Was it their guidance that turned the market sour? I am also perplexed - they state they carry $28/share in cash and marketable securities yet the stock is trading at $23 implying that when you strip out cash the business is worth NEGATIVE $148,000,000. Does this mean the market believes something is fundamentally wrong with the business and/or management? Finally, as a shareholder should I be running for the hills or is this a case of the market mispricing an asset?

Many thanks
Read Answer Asked by Scott on March 01, 2024
Q: hi all: LMAT

lamaitre vascular

can you give me your input and outlook for this one?

thanks in advance

Read Answer Asked by Robert on March 01, 2024
Q: From your point of view, what are the pros and cons of Buffett's preferred ''operating earnings'' metric versus industry-conventionn ''net earnings''?

Read Answer Asked by Daniel on March 01, 2024