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Investment Q&A

Not investment advice or solicitation to buy/sell securities. Do your own due diligence and/or consult an advisor.

Q: I have made money on TTD but am getting bored with it. It goes up and down like a yoyo and does just fine but I'm wondering if there is something with a clearer path to growth if I am okay with volatility? If it was a simple question of owning TTD or buying something different would you keep it? If not, which two stocks would be good to keep growth exposure with a bit of diversification?
Read Answer Asked by Tim on March 07, 2024
Q: In regards to TFSA's value...For the record I'm not a great stock picker (but better than I was prior to joining 5i). However I know how to listen to people like Peter and Ryan who understand what makes a great stock. So thanks to them I bought CSU, NVDA and SMCI (at 13x earnings one short year ago). Today my TFSA is just shy of 1.8 million Canadian. It's a bit like winning the lottery, and if I can do it so can other members. Not everything is going to go up and I have plenty of capital losses but as Peter (I think) says a couple of great winners will do the job! By-the-way LMN was spun out at around $16.75 per share about a year ago and today trades at $37.14. Not too shabby. Better to buy now rather than later at $371.40 don't you think?
My advice...listen to Peter and Ryan and all work out (in the long term)!
Read Answer Asked by James on March 07, 2024
Q: Hi, I am wondering if there is any information on TFSA $ amounts being held by

Canadians across the country? What is the average value of a TFSA across the country?

How many have achieved balances of excess 100k 200k 500k or 1 million?

What percentage do these large accounts represent for TFSA holders as a whole (Example 5% have achieved this level of balance)?

I tried finding this info on my own and did not find much that I would consider reliable. Please take as many question credits as you see fit. Thank you for the great service.
Read Answer Asked by Kolbi on March 07, 2024
Q: Hello 5i,
I am considering purchasing BEP:US to meet my P.A. targets for both Sector (Utilities) and Geography (U.S. & International).
In researching BEP, all I could find was one pie chart that indicated its geographical footprint as being 50% U.S., 35% Canada, and 15% Brazil.
While this will work for me, my question is "how accurate is that as a geographical breakdown?" It seems to be all I could find.
Can you offer any other suggestions for Utilities with a greater U.S./International bent? U.S.-denominated is preferred - as is a comparable dividend...
Many thanks for any insights you may have.
Read Answer Asked by Mike on March 07, 2024
Q: Want to simplify my RIF investing as I am almost 80. Can you recommend several etfs that provide an easier and more comprehensive approach; I have a number of dividend holdings but I would like to broaden my exposure to international markets. Thank you.
Read Answer Asked by don on March 07, 2024
Q: Any thoughts on Red Violet’s future prospects?
Read Answer Asked by David on March 07, 2024
Q: SIS is down 6% after an earnings report that appears to be their best ever. Plus the following forward looking comments from Bourassa ..... " Our goal for the end of 2025 to reach approximately $1 billion of revenue and 20% adjusted EBITDA are well within our sight. " ...... Could 5i comment on the quarter and conference call with your analysis ? And possibly some insight into the stock reaction ? With optimistic forward looking statements I normally don't expect the stock price to go down ..... Thanks Garth ......
Read Answer Asked by Garth on March 07, 2024