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Investment Q&A

Not investment advice or solicitation to buy/sell securities. Do your own due diligence and/or consult an advisor.

Q: Good Morning 5i Team,

1. Is the capital gains tax the same on CDN and US stocks in a cash account?
2. Does one pay more tax selling US stocks with no dividends in an RSP or cash account?
3. Are the dividends from preferred shares eligible for a tax credit? Or does it depend on the offer?

Delete question credits as required.

Thank you and keep up the great work.
Read Answer Asked by David on January 02, 2024
Q: Hello, As a result of the spinoff I own BAM and BN.. As I understand it: BN remains BAM’s largest shareholder with a 75% ownership stake. And since BN has exposure to several business sectors, I am thinking of keeping my 1100 shares of BN and sell the 275 shares of BAM?
Your thoughts?
Read Answer Asked by Carlo on January 02, 2024
Q: Peter,

As tax loss selling abates, what are your top five candidates for a bounce back in the new year?

Thanks for your great service,

Read Answer Asked by David on January 02, 2024
Q: Cheers to 5i for the New Year!

Bloomberg December 29, 2023:

"Dollar bears - A weaker dollar is the expectation for 2024 of most analysts surveyed by Bloomberg amid forecasts that the Fed will lead the way among rich peers in cutting interest rates and that a soft landing in the US's economy will encourage investors to seek risk away from its shores. But strategists at JPMorgan Chase and HSBC are among those who reckon the greenback could still strengthen because the rest of the world will end up needing to reduce rates more to aid their economies. "

Q For 5i: Thoughts on weak $USD thesis relative to $CAD in the short, intermediate, and long term? Do you believe the US FED will cut further or faster than BOC? How does the 5i team see CAD/USD going forward.

i.e. if owning both USD and CDR versions of the same equity, where could one consolidate into, etc.
Read Answer Asked by Stefano on January 02, 2024
Q: I need to gradually raise cash over the next 6 months and am operating on the assumption that interest rates will begin a to decline in late Q1, I would only like to sell those holdings that are less likely to do well in a declining interest rate environment. Please rank each of these holdings from "Sell Now - least likely to benefit from a declining rate environment" to "Avoid Selling - should do very well in a declining rate environment". AQN, BCE, BN, BNS, DSG, ENB, GSY, KXS, NTR, PBH, TCN, TD
Read Answer Asked by Glenn on January 02, 2024
Q: I hold TD in my portfolio. I've read a couple articles recently highlighting that RY has performed much better than TD in recent years, pointing to RY's higher ROI investments (i.e. focusing on Canadian operations and US Wealth Management) relative to TD (i.e. focusing on US Retail banking, and their recent failed acquisition).

What are your general views on this comparison from an investing perspective and would you replace TD for another Canadian bank such as RY? Which of the Canadian banks would you select as a long-term "set it and forget it" investment based on sound management and, of course, expected stock returns.

Read Answer Asked by Al on January 02, 2024
Q: Hi Guys,

My question is revolving around an article or a webinar that you've done or planned to do on the 2024 outlook. Best categories, interest rate outlook etc etc.

If you've done such please send me the link. If you haven't do you plan to do something like this?

Read Answer Asked by Sheldon on January 02, 2024
Q: My wife owns the stocks above. She is looking to add 1 to 2 more stocks in the new year. Can you recommend a couple us and Canadian?
Read Answer Asked by sean on January 02, 2024
Q: Hello Peter,
I recently asked about Topicus and whether i should sell and move onto Lumine Group. You had indicated, given Topicus's valuation, there is no need to sell and move onto Lumine group as the valuation seems to be inline .. I do not want to take a loss but it seems that Lumine group is getting alot of attention. What do you feel is a good entry point for Lumine group as it looks like Topicus maybe just a slow steady stock.. Much appreciated.
Read Answer Asked by umedali on January 02, 2024
Q: Is there an Canadian ETF that is like IWO and IJR?

Read Answer Asked on January 02, 2024
Q: Happy New Year everyone!

Can you please update us on your outlook for US Small Caps in 2024? Is it better to invest in US or Canada? A few selected stocks or ETF? If ETF what’s best for top return?

Sorry for all the questions please take as many credits as necessary.

Thanks happy investing!
Read Answer Asked by Robert on January 01, 2024
Q: I have partial psitions in these Financial stocks. Would you add to the Financial sector at this stage? I have full positions in large Canadian banks. Which from my list or any others that you like would you be comfortable adding to full positions. Please rank those that you would be comfortable adding to full positiond today and target buy prices for any others that you still like.
Happy New Year and thanks.
Read Answer Asked by sam on January 01, 2024
Q: I hope you all had a great holiday. This is for when you get a chance.
I am planning trigger a loss by selling DG to help offset all the capital gains that I will have in 2024. Wanting to replace it with WMT, Cost, L, MRU or EMP.A. Looking for net return. Your thoughts please.
Happy New Year.
Read Answer Asked by Ian on January 01, 2024
Q: I am currently in the negative on T, AMZN, TTD, TCN, NVEI, CPRX, ATZ, ENGH, LSPD, ABNB, WELL, BEP.UN, ROKU, ILMN, SE, PINS, and ZM. I have a 10+ year outlook, however would like to know based on the company and growth potential, what would you Sell or Hold? And if a Hold, please advise your perspective. Thanks!!
Read Answer Asked by Andrew on January 01, 2024