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Investment Q&A

Not investment advice or solicitation to buy/sell securities. Do your own due diligence and/or consult an advisor.

Q: Up to mid 2019, this stock was cruising on a gradual increase, then it doubled over the next 18 months. Now, some 38 months later, it is approaching where it was before it's 18 month growth spurt. I believe that you said the stock benefitted from increased interest in green energy, and that now that interest has waned. Would there be any more to describe the drop of some 42% over the past 3 years? Do you think the 6.3% dividend will be cut again? Thank you very much for your valuable perspective.
Read Answer Asked by TOM on March 08, 2024
Q: Hi 5i, and would welcome your review of the Quarterly results from illumin Holdings. Do you see any red flags or concerns with the recent performance and future business prospects conveyed? At a past point in time they had a large cash cushion that presumably provided a floor for the stock price, hence can you please comment on how they're using that cash recently. All things considered, do you see any rays of sunshine, and could you consider it a hold or a little better?
Read Answer Asked by Michael on March 08, 2024
Q: These stocks have had some very nice gains over the last few months. CLS, DE, DRX, EQB, LMN, PAY, TOI, TVK. If you held a partial position in these and wanted to add to the position to create a full position, which ones would you just buy at the current market price despite big run up? Are there some that you would try to buy at a somewhat lower price? If so, what price would you use?
Read Answer Asked by Dan on March 08, 2024
Q: For capital appreciation over a 5 year period - Which 2 or 3 of the listed stocks would you choose.
Read Answer Asked by Gary on March 08, 2024
Q: PFE share price is at a low for the past 10 years. It has a low PE with an attractive dividend that pays while you wait. Is the growth profile really that bad that it should be falling out of bed? My suspicion is that in reverting to the mean following the Covid revenue burst the market has overshot and it is unduly punishing the stock. This would represent an excellent buying opportunity, no?
Read Answer Asked by Benjamin on March 08, 2024
Q: I would appreciate your opinion on the use of covered call ETF's for income oriented investors. There seems to be a lot of advocates for this Passive Income Investing strategy for the higher than normal yields being generated but I just wonder, when something seems too good to be true, it often is. Maybe you have answered or have an opinion elsewhere. Is your view the same in registered/non-registered accounts.
Read Answer Asked by Steven on March 08, 2024
Q: Buffet likes to invest in companies with a moat and hold long term. He has a position in SNOW. Some analysts are calling into question the moat of SNOW. Do you know if SNOW has a decent moat or are they in what is essentially a commodity type business, in which case their margins will be eroded over time?

Read Answer Asked by Joel on March 08, 2024
Q: In November of 2023, they claimed to "Simplified tracking stock" and Proposed split-off and combination with Sirius XM Holding" can you clarify how they did this because they are still three different class of shares for this specific strand (SiriusXM) of Liberty Global. Finally, can you give your insights of your thoughts in investing in this specific company or part of Liberty Global, thanks.
Read Answer Asked by MG on March 08, 2024
Q: I’ve seen some analysts on TV talk about price targets for NVDA into the thousands (one as high as $8000). Is this even remotely possible? That would make it the largest company by market cap a few times over. I know it has increased significantly in the past couple of years, but at some point it can’t keep on doubling, can it?

Read Answer Asked by Mike on March 08, 2024
Q: I think the new Macro Markets Models is a great new addition for the Portfolio Analytics subscribers. Provides a lot more value! Gerry
Read Answer Asked by Gerry on March 08, 2024