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Investment Q&A

Not investment advice or solicitation to buy/sell securities. Do your own due diligence and/or consult an advisor.

Q: Hi, Can I get your perspective on U.S. Real estate. I am looking at investing in the US REITS and was wondering if now is a good time. I am looking at the following companies as well as the VNQ . Do you think the US reits is a good area to look into seeing as the US economy seems to be doing well and interest rates are low. Thanks
Read Answer Asked by pietro on October 23, 2019
Q: Two preferred issues trading at 6.42% yield versus 5.74% yield. Reset in June 2023 and Dec 2022 respectively. Can you answer why two preferred issues would trade a such a yield spread?
Read Answer Asked by Greg on October 23, 2019
Q: 'Buffered ETF'
What do you think of these products? I just listen to the last Bloomberg 'Trillions' podcast on ETF and I found them compelling (very good podcast BTW). I hold about 10 % cash and 15% in PSA and PSU in my mothers account (she's 63). I felt I needed to reduce the risk in her portfolio from a sudden downside but would like to capture some of the potential upside. I would considered to use the 10% cash and buy buffered SP500 ETF in October and November lets say.

Would be great also to have a more detailed analysis in about these products in your ETF and mutual fund update.
I understand that the MER is 0,79% and I will not get the dividends. On the other hand, this protect the investment for the first 15 % (or what ever is remaining of the buffer) until next September and a chance to get a few % upside. Am I getting this right?

Read Answer Asked by Olivier on October 23, 2019
Q: Hi 5i Team - Could you provide me with an update on Trilogy Metals. In particular any information you can provide on their cash situation, debt, insider ownership/recent buying or selling, opinion of management, noteworthy recent activity and general views on the potential of this company. Thank you.
Read Answer Asked by Rob on October 23, 2019
Q: Very disappointing ! You should stay out of politics !
Shame on you for publishing a question, from Paul, full of hate for Québec. Your way to help national unity ?

Jacques, Montréal
Read Answer Asked by Jacques on October 23, 2019
Q: With the Bloc doing so well in the election and the PM sure to lavish our taxes their way, what companies generate a lot of income from Quebec, and/or are candidates for charity ? Thanks.
Read Answer Asked by Paul on October 23, 2019
Q: My Reit and Utilities have become underweight in my portfolio (not because they haven't done well - other stocks have just done better). What would be your top three value investments in these sectors today (they all seem a bit expensive right now) in both the US and Canada. i am looking for both income and a bit of growth.
Read Answer Asked by kelly on October 23, 2019
Q: Hello,
I would like to know if there is an easy way to find ETF's which provide dividends on a monthly basis. Is there a list out there I can use or would you have a short list of such dividend payers? I do own XDV which is a monthly payer. I believe that using a DRIP in my account with monthly dividends should grow my portfolio faster over the long term.

Thanks for all your help.

PS: I love the portfolio analytics feature you have added.
Read Answer Asked by Mauro on October 23, 2019
Q: Hello 5i, the S&P/TSX30 is based on growth over past three years . Looking forward what would be your top 8 for growth over the next three years?
I realize this is a bit of crystal ball work but I would like to hear your thoughts!!
Regards Dave
Read Answer Asked by Dave on October 23, 2019
Q: Are there any ETF that cover Germany, India, China
Thanks for the help
Read Answer Asked by James on October 23, 2019
Q: Gentlemen,
Your thoughts on Purpose Speciality Lending Trust as alternative investment.
Read Answer Asked by Djamel on October 23, 2019
Q: Hi folks, what is typically the best week to pick up quality companies that have been subject to tax selling? I'm sure waiting until end of December is too long, but right now likely too early. Is there a typical week where these stocks are at their bottom?
Read Answer Asked by Kel on October 23, 2019