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Investment Q&A

Not investment advice or solicitation to buy/sell securities. Do your own due diligence and/or consult an advisor.

Q: Hi guys,

I own both ccl.b and rpi.un at 1.5% each, trying to get my portfolio down to 30 names (right now 37). Do I need to own both and treat them as one or should I sell one and buy the other name.

Read Answer Asked by jim on November 25, 2019
Q: Hi guys,

How do you value companies in the REITs space. Is it a multiple of AFFO? If so, what is considered to be fairly valued vs over valued and under valued? Are there different ways of measuring value depending on the space the REIT operates in. For example, are REITs in the multi-family space valued in the same way as REITs in the retail space?

Thanks for your help,
Read Answer Asked by Jason on November 25, 2019
Q: Even though the business seemed a bit boring (auto glass and collision repair), I bought BOYD quite a while ago and it has done very well. I see some comparisons with GDI: expansion into USA and consolidation in a fragmented industry. I realize they are very different companies, but I'm wondering if you could say a few words about similarities and differences. And maybe comment on management and strategy in the two companies. I have read your report on GDI and find it an interesting analysis of a boring business. Specifically, I wondering whether you think GDI has the promise that BOYD did when you first wrote about it. Thanks for great service, as always.
Read Answer Asked by Gordon on November 25, 2019
Q: I like to own brookfield companies as they give me good diversity and excellent dividends. These two funds are almost identical in their holdings mostly I guess since they are managed by the same individuals. I am thinking of buying INF instead of BGI mostly because the Portfolio analytics treats the geographic diversity more correctly and right now I have the US funds. I do realize this is a bit of an artificial reason and BGI pays a lower dividend but can you see any glaring reasons why this is not a good idea?
Read Answer Asked by Don on November 25, 2019
Q: Can you also make a list of all the companies that trade on both US and Canadian exchanges making them good candidates for stock journaling?
Read Answer Asked by Raymond on November 25, 2019
Q: What do you think of MUX after another desperate move to raise $50 million US near the low of the year, is it safe to hold on to this for a few years?? It appears Rob McEwen has lost all credibility , he has continued to tell us that all the operational problems have been corrected but we continue to get unpleasant negative surprises over and over..
Read Answer Asked by George on November 25, 2019
Q: Your answer to James re: GDI today, "We would not consider it 'core' for a large investor, but more of a 'park and forget' name." My thought a stock as 'core' and 'park and forget' position would mean the same. What is the difference? Maybe provide some examples of a 'core' stock versus a 'park and forgot' stock to help with understanding the difference. Thank you for your help.
Read Answer Asked by Karen on November 25, 2019