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Investment Q&A

Not investment advice or solicitation to buy/sell securities. Do your own due diligence and/or consult an advisor.

Q: Is Alberta's ban on renewables positive for cpx or negligible.

How about bepc. Thank you
Read Answer Asked by JACK on March 13, 2024
Q: I have a crystal ball question regarding the potential market reaction to One or both US Presidential candidates not being available to govern due to health or "alleged" illegal indiscretions. Is there a precedent of such an occurrence historically?

Thank you
Read Answer Asked by Mike on March 13, 2024
Q: Everyone, is the money flow into the market in 2024 higher or lower than 2023? What segments is the money flow going into or out of. Clayton
Read Answer Asked by Clayton on March 12, 2024
Q: I am currently underweight Health and Financials in the U.S. Can you please provide your top 3-5 picks for each based on current valuations and considering a 5 year+ timeframe??
Read Answer Asked by Chris on March 12, 2024
Q: Last September, you preferred HMC to TM, deeming the former both better and less expensive. Since then, HMC's price has reclaimed its previous high, while TM's has exceeded its high by ~50%, yet their P/E ratios are both miniscule and near-equivalent (0.14 and 0.13, respectively, according to your database.)

Do you still prefer HMC? I ask as TM's semi-contrarian approach to vehicular electrification is starting to look like a better fit with orthodox market expectations than their competitors'.

And what's going on with those P/E ratios? Stellantis and GM are ~5, Ford is ~11; is this much disparity even plausible?
Read Answer Asked by John on March 12, 2024
Q: What can you tell me about Mountain Valley MD Holdings? Is there potential here?
Read Answer Asked by John on March 12, 2024
Q: Hi
Accumulated these utilities as part of my non-correlated asset mix. BEPC has been the worst performer. Down 16%. Hydro One is the best performer so far. Up 6%. EMA/FTS are nearly neutral.
I followed your pragmatic and practical suggestions and took only a partial position in each of these stocks.

Time to add ? In what order would you add? My plan is to add equal amounts.
Many thanks.
Read Answer Asked by Savalai on March 12, 2024
Q: Dear Peter et al:

To a question today on KKR, you had mentioned that you wouldn't be averse to adding to KKR "s position slowly.
Recently Larry Berman one of BNN Bloomberg's regular told the viewers that he has sold his equity and moved all into private equity and private credit lending. He didn't mention which private equity he bought !

BLK,BX,KKR,BN ...which is your favourite now? Anything else that catches your attention?

Many thanks.
Read Answer Asked by Savalai on March 12, 2024
Q: Hi there, can you comment on the merits of KRR's news today?

Can you add any further information on Ramelius, its size, quality of assets, financials, etc?

Would this be a good fit for KRR scaling up, if it happens?

Any other rumors/speculation out there of someone else jumping in for KRR or other possibilities you feel would be better for KRR, your thoughts would be appreciated?

Read Answer Asked by Hussein on March 12, 2024
Q: I'm looking at starting a position in OLY. But I saw an update yesterday from an investing site adding a new major risk that earnings are forecast to decline and avg of 6.1% for the foreseeable future. Also a high level of non cash earnings (23% accrual ratio). In the recent ER they stated that expenses had increased due to bonuses etc in their investment arm because of the strong performance of the company. I'm wondering if these things all point to a stock that got so high due to a few great quarters, but is now expected to normalize and pull back as earnings decrease? Which could maybe impact the div down the road also. Is the high performance behind them and the future looks to normalize? Thx
Read Answer Asked by Adam on March 12, 2024