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Investment Q&A

Not investment advice or solicitation to buy/sell securities. Do your own due diligence and/or consult an advisor.

Q: With XTC's 4th Q report yesterday, would you be comfortable taking a small position for growing income?

I see they have increased their dividend every year since 2010, but the share price has declined about 50% since 2016, so not friendly to capital in this particular time frame! What would turn things around over the next few years?

Also comments on the quarter please. Thanks!
Read Answer Asked by Robert on November 29, 2019
Q: Hi Peter and Ryan,

I noticed CLVS had a good run lately. I am wondering whether the fundamental has been changed. Is it a good buy now?
Please also provide a few (CAD and US) names that are stable for long investment in the next few months, particularly with good valuation. It is almost RRSP season.
Read Answer Asked by Yiwen on November 29, 2019
Q: Is this a good time to buy Cannabis stocks? If so which do you recommend?
Thank you
Read Answer Asked by Dorothy on November 29, 2019
Q: Good morning 5i,
Once again thank you for the excellent service and advice that you give so generously. This morning there was a question about putting Boyd into a TFSA. I had been wondering the same thing. But, you mention that you dont really see it as a high growth stock. I imagine I would be better to put Google in, if I want growth. That means another capital gain, however. The beauty of Boyd is that you have to take the cap gain anyway. Getting to be a long story here. But, how would Parklawn compare with Boyd in putting in a TFSA?
Read Answer Asked by joseph on November 29, 2019
Q: Hi team I asked a question on LSPD re claiming a loss. While that question was answered I also asked for a analysis of the company over the short term. Unfortunately the second part of the question did not get answered please analyze LSPD short term/long term also am looking at buying QSR can you also give your opinion thanks
Read Answer Asked by Terence on November 29, 2019
Q: Which 6 top Canadian companies do you consider the best tax year selling purchase for this year?
Read Answer Asked by john on November 29, 2019
Q: This stock KSHB is trading at a very low price to sales and had been take down a lot along with the Cannabis names and the vaping scare. What would be your thoughts on owning this name - new buy
Read Answer Asked by Aleem on November 29, 2019