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Investment Q&A

Not investment advice or solicitation to buy/sell securities. Do your own due diligence and/or consult an advisor.

Q: Hello 5i,
I've done well with Shopify and Amazon with SHOP being up over 1000%. Lucky me!
They now collectively make up a little under 10% of my holdings. Everything I see says "better days ahead" so I don't mind holding on to them being a long term holder.
What do you think, is my exposure too concentrated?
Thanks in advance.
Read Answer Asked by Gregory on September 16, 2019
Q: Hi, I am planning to initiate a position in AW-UN.TO, it has gone down approx. 10% in the last month. My expectation is to get an average annual return between 6-9% in the next 5 years. Do you think it is realistic ?
Do you think it's current valuation is interesting for a 5 years holding period ? Any other advice/comments on AW-UN.TO would be appreciate.

Thank you,
Read Answer Asked by Luc on September 16, 2019
Q: TFII is part funder of a $325m seed money of Forage,experts in cross border freight for Mexico & Canada.Your short comment please. The record date of ATD.B is splitting 2 for 1 is Sep 20.When is the day to buy to qualify? What % should I buy? Txs for u usual great services & views
Read Answer Asked by Peter on September 16, 2019
Q: Hi !
Being overweight in tech (holding those above roughly in equal amounts), could you indicate, in order, which one you would let go to create some cash ? I also hold the following ETFs: igv, vgt, iusg which may create some duplication.
Thanks as always,
Jacques, Île-des-Soeurs
Read Answer Asked by Jacques on September 16, 2019
Q: There have been a lot of questions about your thoughts on CIBC and whether now is a good time to buy. It seems like you prefer other Canadian banks for their dividends and growth potential. Can you please rank Canadian banks from what you believe is best to worst for a 5 year investment horizon?
Read Answer Asked by David on September 16, 2019
Q: Hi Peter and 5i team,
The listed stocks are held in our grandsons RESP. (Age 6) .We have some cash that we would like to deploy. We originally thought People Corp would be a good addition but you warned it is a thin trader and could be volatile. In your opinion what would be your top 3 ideas for a new position.
Thank you
Read Answer Asked by john on September 16, 2019
Q: My question involves whether to sell Xhy to buy more bkln making about 3% of my RRIF , as higher risk income. My understanding is that senior loans are less risky should the economy slow but still provide a good dividend. Is ther an alternative senior bond etf which you would prefer?
Thanks for your insight.
Read Answer Asked by Tom on September 13, 2019