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Investment Q&A

Not investment advice or solicitation to buy/sell securities. Do your own due diligence and/or consult an advisor.

Q: I have long held both and am intrigued as they now move in opposite directions. Within the last few months I believe MARA has reached heights 50% greater than today's levels and yet despite the spike in BTC, it falls while MSTR rolls. I understand that MSTR is closer to a pure play on bitcoin whereas MARA is a miner and has operating risks and would ask if you can explain what has led to MARA being punished as BTC rose from 50k to 70? If gold goes up, so to do most miners so I'm thinking there as to be more to the story. Lastly, if you believe BTC goes higher, does exposure to a company like MARA who stand to benefit make sense to add or hold?
Read Answer Asked by Tim on March 13, 2024
Q: BCE and Telus have both proven disappointing
Would you still consider them good long term holds and why?
Thank you
Read Answer Asked by Michael on March 13, 2024
Q: Has the US high tech sector peaked in price yet, or would you recommend 4 stocks with lots of upside pls?
Read Answer Asked by Ron on March 13, 2024
Q: With increasing power demand (AI, EV's, data centers, etc.), what positive or negative impact does this have on BEP.UN and FTS ?

Are there any Canadian REIT's that are currently investing in the apparent demand for data centers - perhaps DIR.UN or GRT.UN ? I know that BIP.UN is now investing in this area.
Read Answer Asked by James on March 13, 2024
Q: In one of your podcasts Peter had mentioned looking at small caps for growth opportunities. Can you suggest what screening criteria one could use to come up with a list to potential candidates?
Read Answer Asked by Ken on March 13, 2024
Q: I am looking for a US listed ETF that holds US listed Dividend Growing Equities. I have found RDVY (First Trust Rising Dividend ETF) and CUD (Ishares US Dividend Growers). Both have relatively high MERs for ETFs (0.49 % and 0.6% respectively). Both have a current distribution of around 2% yield. Is there anything else out there in this segment of the market ? While CUD is hedged I am not too concerned about that at this time. Would you prefer one of these over the other or would you think splitting between the two. I will be holding them in my RRSP and am looking to invest around 1% of my total RRSP holdings in this investment.
Read Answer Asked by Jim on March 13, 2024
Q: Can you suggest an AI
play at this stage. A little late to the game perhaps??
Read Answer Asked by Bill on March 13, 2024
Q: Hi, looking at the financial sector. I have TD and IFC and looking to add another. The options I am looking at is another Canadian bank that benefits from US exposure (RY), a US bank (JPM) or ETF of banks (ZBK), or diversifying away from North America to a major UK (LYG) or European (ING) bank. My objective is downside safety paired with dividend income and some growth. I realize global stocks aren't your focus, but would appreciate any thoughts you might have on relative merits of these stocks.
Read Answer Asked by Benjamin on March 13, 2024
Q: Good morning,

In one response to a question on the choice of a International exposure ETF, the 5i preference was VEQT, XEQT and XWD in that order.

Q1. Has you opinion of the order of these Global ETFs changed in any way and given XWD's 5 and 10 year performance?

Q2. Would you kindly explain your rational for ranking XWD ahead of VEQT and XEQT and even HEQT.

Thank you in advance and I look forward to hearing your response.
Read Answer Asked by Francesco on March 13, 2024