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Investment Q&A

Not investment advice or solicitation to buy/sell securities. Do your own due diligence and/or consult an advisor.

Q: I currently own 200K in vbal, 200K in vgro, 150K in xwd and 50K in vee, I am thinking of switching out vee with zlu as zlu performs better in the long run and also vee is covered in vgro and vbal.
Read Answer Asked by Steve on September 17, 2019
Q: Having been doing some research on couch potato investing as opposed to me being actively involved.
As such, I am considering VGRO for myself and VBAL for my spouse's TFSAs. 4-5 year investment time frame.
Do you think this a good idea in putting all eggs in Vanguard's basket? What alternatives would you suggest?

Appreciate the insights and information you have provided and continue to provide.

Read Answer Asked by John on September 17, 2019
Q: Hi, Could you please comment on the company's intention to convert from income trust to corporate structure. They also mentioned that this move will help improve liquidity in daily trading as well as allow investors outside Canada to own the shares. Besides the tax implications, do you see this move impacting the share price in near/ long term or make comapny shares more attractive to institutions to own. Thank You
Read Answer Asked by rajeev on September 17, 2019
Q: Hello,

Can you give me your opinion on this company?They just went IPO last month and it has good run on its price already.What do you think the growth outlook of this company?Is it a good time to get into this stock or wait for a pullback.

Appreciate your thoughts.

Thank you.
Read Answer Asked by sunday on September 17, 2019
Q: Hello:
I am looking for a conservative, growth orientated, low dividend payout company that will give me capital gains. Dividends are a low priority. Any thoughts on CNR, CP or ATD or other companies that would satisfy my objective. Thanks in advance.
Read Answer Asked by Jerry on September 17, 2019
Q: I have a question about Shopify US. Due to price drop in Shopify shares, I sold off 100 shares yesterday morning to maintain profits. I am still holding 50 Shares that I purchased the end of August for 394.00. With yesterday's offering which looks like it will reduce price further, would you advise to sell and buy back at what would hopefully be lesser price or just ride it out.? Thank you.
Read Answer Asked by Nancy on September 17, 2019
Q: I see that some companies like BLDP and SEA have been added to the S&P composite index and others , mostly energy corp have been removed. Ballard hasn't done much in years . Can you explain these changes , thanks a lot.
Read Answer Asked by jim on September 17, 2019
Q: I have watched KXS for a long time and have traded in and out of this name in the last two years. Right now I'm out. This is one frustrating stock to own, so much promise and yet delivered so little. I thought the previous "announced" deal with Toyota was going to be KXS's "company maker", yet we never hear anything on it again (what happened to that deal, anyway). Now we have the Honda announcement of the very same kind of deal. Will it frizzle out like the Toyota deal? Or this one is for real? What's you take on KXS overall? Can I give it another try? Are there other promising tech stocks you can recommend? I just clear out of my SHOP position and have quite a bit of cash waiting to be re-deployed. Thanks.
Read Answer Asked by Victor on September 17, 2019
Q: In u answer on Sep 9,U stated that the selling shareholders of last deal extended lockup period for another 90days.Would it not be normal for the underwriters to support @ the $35 underwritten price(it closed @ $34.27).After deal close,the stock quickly went up to $47/48 level.So it is possible that the underwriters did a cover call to lock in the profits.Txs for u usual great services & views
Read Answer Asked by Peter on September 17, 2019