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Investment Q&A

Not investment advice or solicitation to buy/sell securities. Do your own due diligence and/or consult an advisor.

Q: Listed as AUPH on Nasdaq. On 9/13,it establishes At-the Market Facility to sell shares up to US$40m from time to time through Jefferies.Since then the price(US$6.59) had dropped sharply to US$3.88(close on Oct 14) Results of Phase 3 on its lead drug expected by year end.My Can $8.33 p/p had dropped 34.7% to a 1% position.Please comment on the company.Also should I buy,hold or sell?Txs for u usual great services & views
Read Answer Asked by Peter on October 16, 2019
Q: Hi, could you please explain the impact of proposed changes to Executive Compensation plan, announced today. How does, the one time cash payment of $12 mln to the two executives, in buying out comapany's contractual obligation under the currnet cash bonus plan, impact company's upcoming earnings, for Q1 of fiscal 2020? What is the purpose of issuing 1.825 mln stock options at current market price ? Does the new compensation structure incentivise Executives for improved stock performance, over time and thus benefit shareholders ? Do you expect a positive market reaction to the NR ? Stock has recently been drifting lower, even when market/technology shares have done well. Thanks so much for your valued insight.
Read Answer Asked by rajeev on October 16, 2019
Q: Good Evening,

I bought Cameco stocks over 5 years ago. At the time, I thought it was a good 'bet' because historically Cameco had reached a high of around $60 per share. I bought in at $22. Despite the passage of time, this stock has stayed around the $10-$12 range. I will admit, this stock was an impulse buy. It was one of those stories where I heard a friend say something and I went ahead and purchased it without doing the proper research. I have elected to hold it because I figure I'm still getting the dividends and I will only lose money if I sell. I am wondering what 5i thinks about holding this stock. Do I hold, or cut my losses and reinvest this money into something else?
Read Answer Asked by Ryan on October 15, 2019
Q: I respect the opinions of Both Eric Nuttal and Joseph Schachter. Eric expresses some optimism that pipeline construction will occur. A Liberal minority is a real possibility. The Greens have said pipeline construction is a no go and Quebec (ie. the Bloc) is antipipeline, as I believe is the NDP. How can any minority government, even one which bought a pipeline ( and who has at best been a soft supporter) get a pipeline built. The positive is that, as you mentioned in a previous answer, some of these stocks are trading at 3-4 times cash flow so their stocks are extremely cheap. With all of that, would it be prudent to wait until late in the year before committing to buying oil stocks and see how things shake out politically? Thanks Bill
Read Answer Asked by Bill on October 15, 2019
Q: Hi Everyone at 5i! Happy Thanksgiving! There are two companies developing cannabis detecting breathalyzers( that I know of) One is Canadian..Sanntek and a larger US company Hound lab....Is there any opportunity to invest in either of these companies at the present time? I have a feeling that they are privately owned. Could you give me some insight and your opinion? Cheers, Tamara
Read Answer Asked by Tamara on October 15, 2019
Q: I currently hold a full position in NFLX. But competitors, like DIS. with stronger balance sheets are or likely to undercut Netflix’s prices. NFLX shares are down in the past three months after falling short of subscriber growth targets in the second quarter. With this change in business circumstances for NFLX, should I continue to hold NFLZ long term or switch to DIS or take a half position in both..........thanks for your take..........Tom
Read Answer Asked by Tom on October 15, 2019